4: Guild

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The Prominent's Downfall
Chapter 4: Guild
peachyscarlets (5-3-19)


Allison's Point of View

I continued on walking. As I do so, I get tired, then I'd pamper myself with some meals first, then I'll continue when I'm feeling motivated again. This is so tiring. I have never shed so much sweat before (except going on exercises but this one's a different account). An unforgettable experience, I must say. I just need to settle somewhere any moment now, the sun's setting in just a few minutes.

I still haven't found any "guild". Just merchants stores, villages, houses, restaurants, and the likewise. But guilds? Nah, I'm beginning to think they are actually secluded in a very isolated area. Though, I haven't tried asking other people if there's a guild nearby.

Sunny Inn

Goody's Mart

Yahoo's Wizardry Store

Porewood Village


"Fairy...Tail...?" I muttered to myself as I examine the building before me. It was a huge building, and a signage is found in front and above the gate, it says Fairy Tail.

From my distance, a rowdy-like noise is heard. That's surely a one hella loud noise. Is that a bar? But it doesn't look one. It's like a castle of loud people. I take steps forward to examine the building more. Should this be a guild?

"May I help you?" A scarlet-haired girl speaks beside me, knocking me off my train of thoughts.

She was a beautiful girl, slightly shorter than me. Her silky hair is prettily tainted red. She's wearing an armor in such an unbearable heat of the sun. Weird, did I see her somewhere before?

"U-uh..." I better not fuck this up, this is probably gonna be my first proper conversation with someone outside the mansion. "Is this a bar?" I asked.

The girl smiles, making me feel dumb for asking, "It's a guild."

"A..a guild!" I exclaimed with happiness. Then an awkward moment of silence soon followed. My cheeks heat up as I whisper in embarrassment, "Yeah... a guild..."

She clicks her tongue and crosses her arms, "Are you wanting to join a guild?"

I scratched my head in embarrassment, "Err... I really have 0 idea about what guilds are..."

She clears her throat and explains, "Guilds are like a group, but a group of people who could use magic. Those people with magic can use it to earn themselves a living by taking up jobs inside. This is the guild where I belong, Fairy Tail, the strongest guild in Magnolia."

I gasped in awe as I look into the building, "Strongest guild..." I mutter.

So this is the strongest guild, would it be a good idea?

She closes her eyes and nods her head, we both look at the large building before us. "It's one rowdy place, is it?"

"I...I yes..I can hear the noises from here."

She suddenly reaches out her hand to me, "My name is Erza Scarlet, by the way. And you are?"

I took her hand, my face reddening from shyness. "A-Allison, Allison Kershaw."

"That's a nice name, rings a bell." I mentally sighed in relief, good thing she wasn't able to connect some pieces. She changes the topic, "Do you use any magic?"

"U-uh yeah, I'm a Water Dragon Slayer..."

Her eyes widens at my reply as she whispers to herself that was still loud enough for me to hear, "A dragon slayer...."

"Do you want to join? I can escort you to the master. He'll be the one to approve so."

"I-I think, I'll just see first. I'm gonna think things through about."

"Sure, take your time. If ever you have decided to join, then come visit through the doors. It's gonna be very messy inside, but someone will escort you."

"A-ah, thank you for your kindness."

"No problem.."

With that, we parted ways. I heaved a sigh of relief, that was my first proper conversation with someone. I hope I did not make a fool out of myself. But I was stuttering a while ago— ugh! Why am I like this? It's not my first time talking to somebody...

Are first time's supposed to be this nerve-wracking?

I walked through the busy night streets and regretted everything I said back there. It's this phase where I think of better phrases I could have said so I would have looked approachable. Why did I even say that I'll think things through, first?

But I have no other choice, don't I? Or do I?

I could join a guild, put my magic into good use.

I could just live like this, put my magic aside and not use it.

Living like this surely is exhausting, plus I have no money to carry out my expenses forever. I can't afford an apartment with the money I'm left.

If I join a guild, there may be dangers lying ahead but I could help other people with it, I can also make friends. It seems like a rowdy place, but seems comforting as well.

Ugh, what is wrong with me? I came a long way to look for a guild and now I'm just backing out? I'm gonna join there, and face whatever I have to face.

Faddkskdj Inn

I guess I'll just stay the night here then comeback tomorrow. I'll see what happens to me next...

I walk through the door when suddenly I bumped into something hard again. "Argh!"

"It's you again!"

It was the man from earlier. The blond man I bumped into.

"Sorry." I said, lowering my pride. Hell, I don't even know whose fault is it but whatever. A sorry's not gonna hurt anyway. I entered first, wordlessly. I heard him follow behind me.

"Good evening, may I help the both of you?" the receptionist of the inn asked.

Silence engulfed after she spoke, so I cleared my throat as a signal I'll go first.

"A single room, please."

"Room for 1"

We said in unison. I rolled my eyes in annoyance, he didn't get it.

"Mhm. Please wait as I confirm." she says as she rummages through her notebook and phone.

I just took a sit in the bench at the side and waited, while the man just stood there. His back was facing me, and oddly, his back is well-built. He's tall, I must be just on his shoulder level.

"Oh no, ma'am and sir. We're very sorry for the inconvenience but we have ran out of rooms for one. As for now, we only have 1 room for 3 people and 1 room for 4 people. You can choose to use the same room, or separate ones however, the pay will be subjected with what room you use.."

the prominent's downfall // laxus dreyarWhere stories live. Discover now