5: Tch

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The Prominent's Downfall
Chapter 5: Tch
peachyscarlets (5-4-19)


Allison's Point of View

The discussion about the rooms flushed down the drain. I quickly evaded the offer, not thinking of second thoughts. Why? Because of the lack of money, and I don't wanna dare sleep with a man I barely know.

Unfortunately, looking for more inns did not give me much luck. All of them had the same problems (out of room), and they also gave the same advice to me... and that is to look for other inns away from there. They said that inns tend to become very crowded and taken during these time.

It was running late at night and I was out of choice, I have to sleep around somewhere. A forest could work, only that if I could see a reasonable and safe spot for myself. All these experiences are new to me- very hard, challenging, but very thrilling. I guess that is what makes everything  that is happening, fun to me.

Oh, you might ask what about that guy? Well, I do not know what happened. He must have taken the room with that raised price.

I continue to walk through the streets at night and at the same time, contemplating about what I have achieved right now. I have talked to two people, which I made a fool out of myself. Imagine, talking to them while stuttering? I mean, what is there to be nervous about right? And this actually made me make impulsive decisions. Like that room, I might consider taking it now. I'm getting scared, yet still no enough money to pay for that.

I am such an idiot... I have socialized with a lot of people before.. Remember when I said I do that for dinner? That is true. Actually, what's the difference between that and right now? I cannot fathom too, but I just become automatically nervous.. then I start stuttering, and regret what I said earlier.

Sigh... first time jitters, probably. I promise I'd do better next time. I will act properly and talk like a normal human should. Ah, this is-

"Uh oh.. what's this.." I mutter to myself as I start to get conscious of my surroundings.

Several drunk men were in the streets, talking and laughing, until I heard them start to talk about naughty things as I pass by. Thanks to this enhanced hearing, I was able to fore hear and now I am aware.

I mentally sighed, all this shit we have to go through just because of someone's lust and pleasure... Just so you know, I am not wearing anything you might think to be 'inviting'. I am wearing something that is not showy. (Lesson to everybody: no piece of clothing is considered to be"inviting". We can wear whatever the hell we want... If somebody gets turned out at that, it is their problem they have to deal with...)

"Oi! Girly, walking over there.." they started to call out. My heart starts to beat rapidly. Once they try something to me, I wouldn't hesitate to kick some pervy balls.

I ignored them and start to pick up speed in my walk. "Now, now... being a tough cookie, are we?" with that statement, all the other mean started to laugh.

Shit, I have to get out now fast. I'm prettily outnumbered. To be honest, this magic of mine is really powerful. But since I made it lay dormant in me and use it very rarely as I am always filled with activities like modelling, I haven't use this to help me for offense or defense. I know whow to use this, but to use it on another person to hurt them? No, I haven't tried that and it scares me.

There is no turning back if they try something out of the line, it's finally time I put this into good use..

"Tsh!" I hissed as strong hand gripped my wrists.

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