6: New Girl

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The Prominent's Downfall
Chapter 6: New Girl
peachyscarlets (5-4-19)


Allison's Point of View

I woke up as I feel a beam of sunlight shining towards me. I slowly open my eyes, and realized it's now morning. I sit up from my sleeping bag and saw that I'm alone and the fire is no longer lit.

"Where is he?" I thought out loud. I stand up and tidied up my sleeping bag. Once I was done, I saw a piece of paper near the fire pit he made. I picked it up and read the content.

I left earlier while you are still asleep. Don't worry, I made an enchantment barrier so no people of animal could disturb you in your sleep.

So he left just like that... I didn't even get to ask his name. Maybe Tch would work, a code name.

I prepped up myself to get ready for a new adventure.

Today, I made a final decision and that is to go to Fairy Tail and join them. I'll be able to put my magic into good use, and start fresh not as the model, popular me, but the unknown, wizard me.


Here I am again, standing in front of this building. Now the noises were much more louder than how it was when I visited here, it's because I'm right in front of the guild doors.

I took a last deep breathe and opened the guild doors— a very clean scene unfolded right in front of my eyes... people around were eating and talking....

Such a big fancy hall!

"You! You lied, Igneel wasn't even there!" a certain salmon-haired man spoke in anger. He suddenly kicks that one man, who flies out in a table where other people where eating.

Those interrupted people started to act frantic and they were ready to hit the man. "Who want to start?!" the man yells once again. Everybody started to start riot, kicking and hurting each other in the way.

The clean scene that was in front of my eyes before, became the total opposite— it's a mess!

"Grr... is that Flame Breathe here?!" someone speaks from my right side.

I turned to face him, only to see a shirtless man! "Ah!" I shriek in shock. The topless man does not seem to care at all.

"Gray... you're clothes!" a woman voice speaks from my other side, she suddenly sighs and chug down a very big barrel.

"W-what is she drinking there...?!"

"Oi!" a tall muscular man said from behind, "A real man speaks with his fist, challe—"

"...he's defeated like that..?" as I look into the moor muscular man being thrown off the atmosphere by those two guys.

"Oh, are you new here?" an angelic woman voice says behind me. I turned around to see... "M-Mirajane Strauss!"

She smiles cheerily at me! I can't believe this, a fellow model!

"I'm Allison Kershaw." I introduced, she suddenly looked at me intently as if examining me.

Her eyes widens and it hits her, I quickly got the idea of what hit her in her mind. Before she could even ask me, I aggressively shook my head in defense, "I'm not what you're thinking! I'm a big fan so I did myself this.." I said, pointing out my scar.

She sighs, "Ah, I thought you're the real model! I'm a big fan too, she's really great at catwalks."

However we were cut off because of the rowdiness of the guild. "Shouldn't we stop them first?" I ask, pointing to the fighting guys.

"There's no need to worry, they are always like that..." she said, smiling as she looks at the mess they have made.

I grimaced, is she sure not to stop t— "H-hey!!" I jskdnskskjs as someone gets hit with a plastic bottle on her forehead— it was the scarlet haired girl from before.

It suddenly went silent, the girl stands up in her feet and everybody started to shake in fear. "You idiots!!!" she yells and everyone was screaming for their lives.

Suddenly, a strong stomp resounded inside the guild that made everyone stop dead in their tracks. I look behind me from where the stomping appeared, and saw— "E-eek! W-what is that!!" I shriek, failed to keep my emotions low.

"That is enough, you fools!" the giant man said.

"Master, you're back!" Mirajane exclaims, talking to the giant man.

"Yes." the giant man answers back.

When everybody calmed down, he started to shrink in size until he was in a size of....

"It's nice to meet you!" he raises up his right hands, greeting me.

"He's that small?! T-that's the master?!"

"Yes, he is Mr. Makarov, Fairy Tail's master." a very cute petite girl with a flying exceed said.


"There you go!" Mira says as she removes the stamp in my thigh.

It was a glowing yellow insignia of the guild. I decided to have it in colour yellow because it's my favourite colour! I have it stamped on my right thigh. Amazing, it's beautiful to look at.

"Everybody, this is our new member." Mira says as she introduces me.

"Hi, the name is Allison Kershaw. I'm a Water Dragon Slayer. I hope we all can get along!"

Everybody suddenly roars in happiness, "Let's start our welcome party!!"


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2019 ⏰

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