Introduction (Yes the boring part)

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So, If you are going to be reading my story comments and likes are very helpful. I will most likely wright on Sundays and most Mondays. If I do not post that day Don't be alarmed it will come eventually. I will try it wright a lot during the summer so I can post more school days and not skip.

I will take ideas, they may not always be used but I would Love to hear them.

I will take questions, on almost any subject.

One more thing then, I'll let you read on, for every like and comment saying they liked it I will post an extra chapter! (One per chapter)

Enjoy the story!
Text copyright © 25MoonLight1 ™ 2020
Though this story contains characters I do not own, The one's I do own are not to be used in any way shape or form. No copy of this is to be used for commercial use or is to be shaded in any way with out consent, and any infringement of this is a violation of copyright law.

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