An odd start to the day 3

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Chapter 3
Legolas's Pov
Legolas was on his way to speak with Gandalf about the escape of the wretched creature, known as Gollum when he heard noises coming from around the corner of the Blacksmith's shop. He turned the corner, recognizing the sound to be that of splashing and saw the silhouette of a tiny frame. Believing it to be one of the hobits messing around he started calling out the figure meaning to berate him. Then he saw the figure was not a hobbit but was, in fact, a lady! He walked up to her. Concern was written on his face. "Excuse me, miss. Are you alright?" The lady's face flushed red, and then she spoke. "Umm, No I don't know how I ended up in this fountain."
When he finished Legolas carefully spoke. "It may have been one too many drinks?"
The girl cut him off. "How dare you, you may be an elven prince, but I would never drink how dare you to assume such of me!"
He stepped back. "Sorry, I did not mean to offend, you seem unwell may I take you to Lord Elrond." All she said was fine.

LOTR  The lost girl.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz