Who is he? 7

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Lyne awoke in a warm bed. She heard the door open and said: "Hi Mala how was geography?"

Then someone spoke "I'm sorry I'm not Mala... I'm just a servant.." Then it hit Lyne. She was in Rivendell. She tried to sit up but she couldn't! Then a servant pushed her down "Stay down until I get the captain!" Then with that, she ran out of the room. About five minutes later the door opened again. "So I hear you keep trying to get up? Who are you? Elrond seems to think you important since everyone keeps trying to kill you. Two assassins in one night?"

" I don't know what you're talking about."

"I think you lying, but it doesn't matter my job is to keep you safe." She said with a smirk.

The women continued however Lyne being so worn out drifted off to sleep.

Elanora's POV

"I don't trust her!" Elanora said

"You didn't trust me when we first met," Adrein responded

"Yeah well, that's my job!"

"Elanora we don't know anything about her give her a chance!" Adrein said in the most mocking tone he could make!

"Two assassins in one night! That's not normal!"

"Neither is being overly paranoid," Adrein said with a nudge.

"Well maybe if we didn't have a bad command system I won't have to be overly protective."

They stopped outside the hall of Lord Elrond is chambers. "Do you hear that!" Elanora said. From inside the hall, they could hear Lord Elrond talking. "I thought he prohibited visitors. Said he wanted to be alone or something?" Elanora said,

"Well it doesn't sound like he's alone right now." They crept up to the door and peeked inside. inside they saw a hooded man talking to Elrond. "Who's that?" Elanora said aghast!

"He looks like one of those assassins except more like the head of command!" Adrein said in a whisper. They crept close her turning their ears towards the door to listen. From inside they could hear Elrond speaking. "So you couldn't get the girl?" Elrond said.

The assassin then spoke. "Yes, your captain came a little too soon. Instead of a dead body, she found one of my men. Why is she wanted dead anyway?"

"That's none of your business, the only thing that's supposed to matter to you is getting the job done!" Elrond said

Adrian accidentally leaned against the door making it creaks slightly. Lord Elrond turn and faceed the door. Luckily Elanora pulled Adrian back quick enough. She grabbed him by the collar and towed him into a nearby room. "You could have got us killed!" she whispered

" I'm sorry! The door was creaky!" Adrein said to defend himself. "We have to tell Legolas!" Elanora whispered

They crept out of the room quietly and headed towards the exit. Elanora turned around and looked into the door one last time to see not Lord Elrond but someone else standing there. Adrein tugged on her jacket and pulled her out the door.

Authors boring speech you can skip.
I wrote this when I was like eleven and now I'm going to update what I already wrote then continue the story from that point. A year ago I just decided to publish my eleven year old selfs story but, if all goes well it will only get better.

LOTR  The lost girl.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora