A whole new world 2

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Chapter 2 Lyne's Pov

She awoke with the sun shining right on her face. She sat straight up and inhaled, eyes now wide open she realized she wasn't in a puddle on the sidewalk, but in fact, she sat drenched in a white fountain. IM DEAD. She screamed. Then she realized she still needed to breathe. "Not dead but then where am I?" She looked around to see beautiful buildings and in the distance...ELVES!! Stunned she just stared at the elves with her jaws agape. Wait she was in Rivendell. When it finally hit her where she was, she looked down at her clothes that had mud all over them, and would not fit in at a place like this. Not only that but the mud from her clothes was spreading throughout the entire fountain. Then she heard someone coming at a swift pace. She quickly looked for a place to hide but could not find any, so she just sat and waited for whoever was approaching to round the corner.

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