A big mistake 6

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Chapter 6 Legolases Pov
After writing a report on what had happened Legolas decided he would check on Lyne. As was his duty. He got to the chambers were she was being held for the moment and opened the door. Inside he saw a knife in Adrein's hand and Elanora kneeling down by her. Legolas assumed that Adrein had stabbed Lyne and Elanora had helped! He tackled Adrein throwing the knife from his grasp and began to raise his arm to punch Adrein, when he felt a hand grab his arm and swing him to the ground. "Legolas STOP! Adrein did not stab Lyne" she boomed "He did" She pointed to a man in black bound and gagged. Legolas blushed slightly then looked down at the ground and muttered "Sorry.." " Legolas you need to trust your guard. We are not the enemy for all you know Lyne could be a spy! " Elanora said then resumed tying Lyne's bandage. Adrein grabbed Legolases arm and pulled him aside and whispered softly " Don't get attached she could be a spy or just looking for power in the royal court. I don't believe that's the case do to the amount for assassins after her but still. Until we know why assassins are after her I would avoid getting attached. And willing to fight your own men. " He said flatly. Elanora then spoke loudly " She's losing a lot of blood somebody help me get her to the medical wing! "

Authors note: This chapter was ment to mostly be for fun. Lord Elrond had told Legolas that he had to watch Lyne, So he did. But when he attacks Ardrein it shows he can sometimes be quick to act with out thinking. He doesn't really know Lyne yet but he still feels like she needs help. Also funny thing to look forward to, in later chapters I will tell you how I got Lyne's name. And we'll get to see how Elanora, Adrein, Lyne, and Legolas work together. With twists!
All chapters are corrected fully but if you see any spelling mistakes of grammar mistakes, please let me know!

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