The Captain 5

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Chapter 5 POV unknown, yet
Elanora walked down the hall when Ardrein ran into her. Ardrein was one of the palace guards working to be a captain. "Hello, your royal highness, "Ardrein said mockingly. Elanora laughed. "Hey, Ardrein is this a social visit or business?" "Sadly it's business." He replied. "Well, go ahead. " Ardrein began, "Where to start? We had a girl show up in the fountain, clothed, don't worry." He paused for a moment and then continued. "Lord Elrond has decided to put her in the Goras Liahorn section of the palace." Elanora was stunned not only had a girl just shown up but that she was put in lest guarded part of the castle! "So... what's her name?" "Lyne," said Ardrein. "Anything else?" Elanora said. "Yes... we took her to her room and left, but then... an assassin snuck into her room. She was able to get out and was forced to kill him." After Ardrein finished Elanora spoke, "Where is the girl?" "In your chambers," Ardrein said. "In my what?! Did you leave her there alone! She could still have assassins after her! Or worst she could be an assassin!" They both rushed to Elanora's room.

She threw the door open and looked inside to see a girl curled up in a corner who Elanora suspected to be Lyne, and in the center of the room facing her was a man in black. Elanora rushed in front of the man and saw he had a dagger with blood on it. She hit the dagger out of the hand of the assassin. The assassin sprang at her placed a hand on her arm and twisted. Pain shot up Elanora's arm, she pulled her sword from its sheath and with a strong, precise swing stabbed the man in the gut, causing him to cry out in pain. Holding his wound were she stabbed him, he rushed out the door. Were Adrein tackled him and knocked him out. Adrein began to bind his hand when Elanora went back into the room were Lyne was. Elanora saw the girl crying on the ground and a memory hit her like an axe. It was of a small child crying after her parents had been wiped out by orcs. She remembered That had been Elanora's first assignment was finding a home for the orphan girl all alone. That's when she truly knew that the world was not all sunshine. But that was also the day she met Adrein. The sound of Adrien's voice snapped her back. "Elanora? Are you ok?"
"Fine, Sorry."
Lyne whimpers caused them both to turn towards her. Elanora saw blood dripping from her side. "You Hurt!"
Elanora rushed over to Lyne tore a piece of cloth from her own shirt and wrapped it around Lynes' waist. While Adrein picked up the knife

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