A Cage 9

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Elrond woke up in a dark room. He heard movement, most likely the movement of a mouse. He listened in the dark dank cell. Hoping he would hear the sound of guards. Then another sound hit him not the sound of a small creature. But it was the sound of a large being but he guessed it was no bigger than him. Elrond's eyes slowly adjusted to the light. Then he saw Legolas sitting on the ground across from him, Legolas appeared to be unconscious. Lord Elrond thought to himself he thought about how they're going to get out he continued to listen but heard no other sounds than Legolas's shallow breathing. Then he saw a small light glide across the floor. It moves very slowly so he knew it was the sun. He thought to himself that there must be a window nearby. He went to stand up to wake Legolas, but suddenly was tugged back by chains connected to the wall. He saw that they were mithril one of the strongest materials in middle Earth. The last mithril he saw was in the dwarven kingdom. He wondered to himself who had them locked up and why they wanted them locked up. Then he thought of their newest prisoner Lyne. He wondered if she had set this all up and she was just a distraction. Or maybe she was just a minion. Lord Elrond saw a small Stone by his side. He reached down to pick it up just barely managing to grab it.

Once he had it in his hand he lobbed it across the room knocking Legolas straight in the head in an attempt to wake him.

Lyne POV

Lyne dashed down a hill following Adrein and Elanora into the woods. They kept running even though branches were whipping their arms and faces. They turned and twisted through the woods after about an hour of running with few stops.Elnora called the party to a stop."We should rest here for the night." Elanora said tiredly.

"Why did we run?" Lyne said.

"That man we saw wasn't Lord Elrond and judging by the way Legolas acted that wasn't him either." Adrein said.

"So where's Legolas and Elrond?" Lyne said

"We don't know...." Elanora said.

"You don't know!" Lyne exclaimed. "We figured that we could hide out and do some scouting then find them." Adrien said foolishly. "Remember how you said we could camp here.. we don't have camp supplies." Lyne said. "Oh yes I forget you're not from here. The elves have hidden camps all over the forest." Elnora said before walking up to a tree and pulling aside vines, to reveal a door. Lyne gasped. Elnora opened the door and took them into a council room.

They were planning for about a week but haven't come up with a plan. Elnora and Lyne we're sitting in the room planning an attack strategy when Adrien burst in. "You're back from scouting."Elnora said. Lyne looked Arein down, she noticed he was drenched in sweat. From all the spy movies she watched she knew this could only mean one thing.

I am a terrible person. You know all authors are terrible but I'm one of the worst. You see I enjoy making you wait for chapter and then realising there far to sort for enjoyment. I also enjoy cliffhangers that force you to turn the page. See even something as simple as a sweaty guy running into a room and a girl thinking she knows what's going on can make you turn to the next page. But honestly all authors learn these dirty tricks. The only reason to wright a book is either to torcher your readers or to hide at home away from every one but still say you do something all day. There is a book called Alcatraz in which the author explains this perfectly. We just are terrible people. After all I'm making you read this instead of the next chapter aren't I. Ok go on read the next chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2020 ⏰

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