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Hello dear reader! Welcome to the craziness of 'Stray Kids Being Crackheads'!

This book is a group chat/texting book, but it will also include real life events. The book will predominantly be texting though (unless this changes).

Before continuing, please read the following list, as it contains important information about this book.

What is what in the book:

Texting =

Person 1: I like potatoes

Person 2: I know

Talking/dialogue IRL =

Person 1:

Look at that birb over there

Person 2:


Italics = Languages other than Korean, most of the time English


= Time skips, information on when and where a scene is set (depending on what is written between the "~", it's quite self explanatory)

(^ This stuff might change over time ^)

This book will possibly contain some swearing and vulgar language, so if you are disturbed by that, I recommend you proceed with caution. You have been warned.

This is my first book on Wattpad, so I apologise if its messy. I'm still working out my writing style and stuff like that. I am aiming to update somewhat frequently, unless I don't get around to doing so.

That's pretty much all I have to say for now. I hope you enjoy this book and have a wonderful day ☼ or night ☾!

- Taurus_Says_hi

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