The Beginning

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"Just get out of the car, dammit!" She yelled at the boy across from her. The tears in his eyes threatened to fall, only to be withheld by his willpower. "You obviously aren't getting any better living with me! So just go 'try and figure it all out' with someone who actually cares."

He made a slight choking sound in the back of his throat and opened the passenger door as he grabbed the small backpack at the bottom of his feet. He turned for one last look at his so-called mother before getting out and slamming the door shut behind him. He heard the squeal of tires as the red mustang drove off down the dirt road. His stuff had already been shipped down a week ago, so that was one less thing to be worried about.

Ashton walked up the large staircase to the big white hospital looking place. He entered through the glass doors and looked around to figure out where to go. All Ashton knew was that he was supposed to meet someone named Simon Cowell.

All of a sudden a curly haired, brunette boy was at his elbow. "Hi, you must be the new kid!" He chirped.

Ashton gave him a strange look. "Yeah, what's it to you?"

The boy gave him a knowing smile. "C'mon now, no need to be rude. I'm here to take you to Uncle Si."

"Who's that?" Ashton asked quizzically.

"Simon Cowell; he's basically the principle of the place. Just think of it as one big happy high school!" This boy was strangely happy for someone in a mental hospital. He took off down one of the hallways, leaving Ashton to follow. "Names Harry by the way! Harry Styles!" Harry called out over his shoulder.

Ashton hurried to catch up with him, hiking his backpack higher up his shoulder. "I'm Ashton."

"Well, Ashton, Simon's office is the last door on the right. You want me to come with you?" Harry pointed in the direction.

Ashton shook his head. "I think I'm alright."

Harry gave him one more smile before waving at him as he, literally, ran back down the hallway. "Later, Ash!"

Ashton shook his head at the childishness of the new boy. He had never had anyfriends before, so he wasn't entirely sure how to interact with them and treat them. Either way, wasn't this supposed to be rehab? A dark and demented place?

He knocked on the door that was so thick he could barely hear the faint, "Come in!"

When he opened the door, a middle-aged man sitting behind a mahogany desk. "Aah, you must be Ashton. I assume you met Harry on the way here?" He spoke in a british accent. Ashton nodded his head at the question. "I'm Simon, as you probably assumed when you saw the name on the door. Most of the kids here who have been here the longest call me Uncle Si, but we'll get to that in time maybe." Simon goes right along. "I take it you have no one here with you right now. And you've already said your good byes, I presume?" He nodded his head again, but the way Simon just assumed that he was all ready to jump right in to 'getting better' hurt slightly. Shouldn't this have taken time? Wasn't there supposed to be some sort of build up to the climax?

"So Ashton, you're in here for multiple reasons. First, we'll talk about your background a bit. So you have a brother and a sister..."


"So I'll buzz someone down here to take you to your belongings and your room. Simple reminder; you do have a roommate. He's in here for a different reason than you, as all roommates are. Keeps other's actions from triggering you more often. So if you'll just wait out in the hallway for a few moments." Simon stood up as Ashton made his way to the door. "One more thing Ashton. Do you have any electronical devices with you?"

Ashton nodded, the same thing he'd been doing throughout this whole thing. Besides a couple of tears that escaped, of course.

"Well, I know you don't have a phone. Those aren't allowed, so I assume you have a PC?" Ashton nodded his head. "Well, someone will plug in the wi-fi password for you when you go to your first therapy session, but a lot of websites are blocked. Social media, pornography, any websites that involve video, Youtube. Most things that involve interaction with people. It's just our way of protecting the young adults we house here."

"Yessir." Ashton spoke for the first time since his earlier conversation with Harry that seemed hours ago. It probably had been. Then, Ashton walked out of the room, lightly closing the door behind him. Minutes later, a young lady with red hair walked up to him.

"Hello there. You must be Ashton; I'm Cher Lloyd." Ashton practically towered over the petite woman who was smiling up at him. He grimaced in an attempt at a smile. "I hope you'll learn to like it here. It's not all bad." She added when she saw his facial expression.

Ashton just made a grunting sound to acknowledge her. "Okay!" She clasped her hands together. Ashton wondered if all the people here were so happy. And, if they were so happy, why they were here in the first place. It was just another reason to make him outcasted all over again. "Let me show you to your room!"

Cher walked closer to him and placed a hand on his shoulder to guide him. Ashton immediately stiffened and ducked away from her. He turned around just in time to see her mask the panicked look on her face. He already felt bad for fucking thngs up and he'd only been here for a few hours. Some of the loneliest and weirdest hours of his life.

"Okay, you're room 317 on the fourth floor. Your stuff is waiting for you there." She lead him back to the entrance and down another one of the halllways that ended up leading to an elevator. "The stairs are right next to the elevator in case there's a fire. Just basic safety precautions." She told him about where the library and cafeteria were on the elevator ride up.When the bell finally dinged, signaling that they were on the fourth floor, Ashton was already tense and anxious.

"So you're the third door on the left. It says Room 317 on it, so just knock as you go in. Make sure your roommates not unprepared and all that. Just to let you know, you can come talk to me anytime you want. Everyone is here to help you get better, so don't hesitate to tell us your problems. We just want to make you feel better again." Cher told him as Ashton walked out of the lift. He watched the doors close whilst she smiled and waved at him. He let out a sigh, releasing the breath he didn't know he had been holding.

He headed to the third door on the left. The door was all banged up and the room number was scratched so much that it was almost impossible to make out the number. He knocked on the door and slowly pushed it open. "Come in!" A gruff voice called out once the door was barely cracked. Ashton opened it to find this tiny blonde kid laying across a bed with one headphone in his ear. "Oh, it's the new kid. Just come in. Shut the door. But leave me the fuck alone." He popped the headphone back in his ear and went back to whatever he had been listening to on his laptop.

"What a warm welcome." Ashton mumbled as he went to the left side of the room that was only being occupied by his stuff. His one suitcase was placed on the simple four-poster bed along with a hygiene bag and another bag holding all of his blankets and sheets. Being wary of the blonde boy on his bed, Ashton made his bed with his simple plain black sheets and covered it with his red blanket. He set his suitcase on the ground beside the chest of drawers along with his hygiene bag.

Then Ashton laid back on his new bed and sank into his surroundings.

This was definitely going to be interesting.




Okay, so I know I haven't posted anything in like a month, but this idea has been haunting me for a while. I've really been wanting to do it, so here I am. I will probably take turns updating each story and all that so please enjoy. I really appreciate y'all reading my work. If you could vote and comment that would be cool, too!
Loves ya babes xx

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