Capitulum Quinque

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Darkness and void. The ruling twins of the faes stood motionlessly inside the domain of the beast whose might can match that of the Fenrir. They were tasked to try to convince, if that is the word for their plan, or entice the beast to join their ranks. 

To have the Fenrir as an enemy would be troublesome, therefore, they had been collecting mystique beasts with enmity against the wolf god to join their rank. The owner of the pitch-black domain of nothingness happens to be one of the beasts that match their criteria. 

Eine and Zwei tightened their grip in each other's hands as they narrowly focused their attention on the unseen yet looming presence of the master of this space. They trembled slightly as they get subjected to the hostile divinity of the owner of the space and felt him slither slowly behind the darkness. 

"Oberon and Titania, Zima and Leto" a voice loomed over them, hoarse and low, it felt as if its above them yet also behind them. "Why do you visit my abode?"

"A familiar scent", whispered a deep voice that resonated inside the empty space making the sudden visitors shiver lightly at the might of the beast that swallows the earth. "Oberon and Titania. Has the last generation died already?"

"They had. In the last war", replied the younger of the twins meekly. Unlike his brother, he had not gained the full memories of his previous incarnations and there are parts of his memories that are fully empty. Zwei looked up sensing that the owner of the domain was looking down at him curiously. Yet, he still had seen nothing. 

The Oberon of the Unseelie Court pulled his brother and safely placed him behind him as he took a small step forward. He inhaled sharply as he felt the blast of unfiltered aura from the hiding mystique beast hit him. It reminds him of the Fenrir that he had fought previously. Monstrously powerful. 

"We came here to - "

"Fenrir? No, not interested", cuts the beast as if reading the mind of his visitor. It was obvious that a few had attempted what they are trying to do and had failed. Perhaps, some of them have joined this space as a lifeless body. 

But, they were different. They had what the beast had long searched the world for. Eine carefully revealed the mystique gem inside his hands - a chrysoberyl. A beautiful gem glowing the bluish-green light exuding the calmness of the rivers. There was a white slit of line in the center of the gem that made it look like the eyes of a cat at night. It was a mystique gem from a seer that they had retrieved from a particular collector. "We have, as a sign of goodwill, retrieve the chrysoberyl that peers through the Hades records."

There was a looming and tense silence in that vast space of darkness and void. Not a single sound was heard making the twins gulp and take a defensive stance. The awkward and threatening air felt choking and heavy as if draining any signs of comfort and relief. Then came a chuckle from a deep voice, it sounds mocking and amused and stopped almost abruptly. 

Hostility and rage. The twins almost forgot how to breathe as the rawness of the wrath exuded by the beast attacked them making them momentarily panic and react defensively. The knight of the Seelie Court, the dark Spriggan, appeared beside Zwei. The fae looked almost human, albeit, a bit willowy and skin like the bark of a tree, the Spriggan stood protectively before his master. Aside from him, two faerie dragons growled against the nothingness in front of them. They looked liked large hunting dogs with jeweled scales and the double pair of wings on each of their backs. 

"It looks like I have been taken as a joke. Although, it is true that I have searched the land and seas for this gem but to receive it as goodwill. I really have been too meek for this past millennia." The ground that they were standing on started to shake. Eine clenched the gem in his hands and moved towards his brother to cover the younger from the incoming invisible attack. 

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