Chapter 15

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'There you go. You will have to come back in another month for a last check-up.' Said the doctor handing me a bunch of hospital paperwork. I had taken off my cast after six weeks of being hugely annoyed with it. I had also been doing some physical therapy and at last everything was healed and back to normal. The last memory or Ruben was finally gone.

'Thank you.' I said. I walked off saying goodbye to him, happy that I was now going to be able to go swimming with August. He had been wanting to teach me how to stand up paddle for weeks after our first date and was as frustrated as me when we realised that we'd have to wait another couple of weeks.

After clearing my mind from the remains of Ruben, I had accepted to go out with August. We had been to the cinema to see the latest Disney animation. Both laughing away and eating popcorn. He had then taken me out to have some fish and chips on the beach. We got on really well. We had just clicked. We both liked animals, we both loved our food and even though I was quite set in my ways, he had made me taste new foods that I just loved. He had asked about my previous relationships so I had explained the whole Ruben and Jace story. He promised that he didn't have anything like that going one, making me glad to hear it. Kate had introduced him to my mother before I had even thought about it. Luckily my mother adored him. He was charming and so handsome as she said all the time.

'All done?' asked August standing up from where he had been waiting for me. I nodded and we both walked out of the hospital. I had been nervous and stressed at the idea of Jace being around so August had accepted to come and be there for me in case I ran into him.

'I was thinking that to celebrate the end of the broken wrist that we could go and swim this afternoon.' He said as we got into his car. I thought about it for a minute. 'Yes that's a good idea.' I said smiling at him. 'Okay we can pick up our swimming suits. You have one at mine don't you?' he asked. I smiled remembering the first time he had taken me to his flat.

We had been out for dinner one night and we were randomly walking around the town after the delicious Mexican food he had introduced me with. We were busy talking and fooling around not noticing the heavy clouds forming above us. And without a warning, the rain suddenly decided to drench us. We were absolutely soaking wet in a few minutes.

Of course we hadn't brought any umbrellas or any jackets with us and the rain didn't seem to calm down. So we ran. We ran across the slippery streets and I didn't know where we were heading but I just ran after August. Eventually, after ten minutes or so, we had arrived in front of his block of flats. He nervously asked if I didn't mind coming to his place even though it was only our second date. So I kissed him. Out of the blur I had just felt the romance of the situation, the rain pouring down, our wet hair dripping and not looking nice anymore and my now white top showing off my bra because of the fabric going transparent.

He kissed back, the gentle touch of his lips on mine, his wet hand cupping my wet face, the rain pouring down but us not caring at all. I remember the puddles of water I had made once we had reached his flat. I had been so embarrassed because whilst he was getting me a towel to dry myself with, I had completely soaked his brand new mat. He laughed it off though and then disappeared off before bringing back two mugs with hot chocolate in. And that's how we ended up watching films all night and falling asleep together in the early hours of the morning wrapped up in blankets.

After that night, I had been over to his place rather a lot. At first it had been just to hang out and have the occasional meal but slowly as the couple of months had passed, I had ended up spending the weekend or the odd night in the week. I had slowly brought clothes over or my favourite book. He had bought my favourite soap to wash with or an extra soft blanket for the sofa. We had been dating for almost two months now, and I had gotten used to the idea of us being together.

'I'd like to stand up paddle.' I said as August was driving down towards the beach. We had picked up some food, towels and our swimming suits. 'I have a better surprise.' He said looking at me. I looked at him curiously wondering what he had in mind. August was the type of boy who liked to surprise me and I couldn't help but like that. I wasn't afraid of his surprises. They were always so perfect and so lovable. 'And no I'm not telling you what it is.' He said laughing as he could tell I was trying to play the cute face card on him. I pouted a little to try and get round him but unfortunately it never worked with him. 'Will I like it?' I asked to try and get a clue about the surprise. 'I hope you do it's...a bit expensive.' He said laughing. I started to think about expensive activities by the beach but couldn't think of any.

We slowly walked down towards the beach huts where you could rent out surf boards, canoes and many other water friendly activity material. I waited as August walked over to talk to the guy renting out the stuff. They had a small chat and then August payed. The man asked me to give him all of my belongings and get into my swimming costume. I nodded and handed him everything before he gave me a life jacket. It was wet and smelt funny. I wondered how many people had worn it since it had last be properly washed. August laughed at my disgusted look. I shook my head and a small smile creeped onto his lips.

'At least I won't die.' I mumbled following the two boys down towards the waterfront. I looked at all the surf boards and canoes on our way down and wondered what we will be renting.

'Okay so before I let you go and have fun, I need to show you how the beast works.' The man said turning around to us. 'The beast?' I asked curious and slightly worried.

'Yes. The jet ski.' He said smiling at me. My eyes grow big and I quickly looked up at August who just smiled at me. The guy explained everything to us, August carefully listening to him. I just hoped that he completely understood how it worked because I couldn't understand much.

'Right. You have an hour. Have fun.' Said the man waving at us before heading back to his hut. August took my hand and helped me on. I wasn't feeling reassured at all and I knew how fast these things usually went.

'You'll be fine.' Said August in a calm voice. He climbed on and started to speed off nearly loosing me to the process. Luckily, I quickly put my hands around his waist and closed my eyes tight. 'This is so cool!' Shouted August as he sped off into deep waters. I wondered at first who was supposed to have fun here. I didn't like it at all and August wasn't even noticing to busy screaming away and making me feel sick.

After another half of dozen waves where I had started to feel really sea sick and where August was jumping around and speeding up completely ignoring the fact that I was clutching onto him for dear life, I let myself drop backwards giving a use to the smelly and damp life jacket. I closed my eyes as I felt the impact of myself fall onto the cold water. I laid there for a moment just trying to make the sick feeling go away.

'What are you doing?' asked August screaming as he noticed I had fallen in. He came over and held out his hand for me to catch. 'I... I was hot.' I said surprised at how lame my excuse was. He looked at me with a puzzled look. 'Just get back on.' He said slightly annoyed. 'I...I think...I'll swim back.' I said looking towards the shore. It seemed miles away but I just couldn't get back on that awful thing.

'Just get back on.' He said. I ignored him and swam off trying not to panic at the thought of fish and aquatic plants underneath me. I knew the water was deep but I couldn't help but panic and I didn't want August to notice. 'Elie!' he shouted but I ignored him. I could hear him and the beast approach but that only made me swim a little faster even though I knew he'd soon catch up with me.

'Look I'll bring you back to shore if that's what you want?' he asked as he got to my level. I looked at the beach and sighed noticing how far it still was. He stuck out his hand and I took it reluctantly climbing on the damm thing. I slowly put my hands around him and closed my eyes. I waited for him to start the beast again and in moments I was standing on the beach. I looked at him as he went off without a word to have fun.

'Is there a problem?' asked the man who had lent us the Jet Ski as he came to see why I had just been dropped off on the beach. 'Got sea sick.' I mumbled slightly embarrassed. 'Oh that sometimes happens.' He said smiling at me. I followed him back to the hut and got my bag off him.

'He still has forty minutes out there.' He said nodding towards August. I sighed and walked over to the beach to sit down and wait. Great date I thought to myself a bit angry that I hadn't enjoyed the goodbye cast celebration. And without looking at August, I walked off the beach and went home not even caring about warning him. 

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