Chapter 16

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After my disastrous date with August, I had walked home. It had taken me over an hour, but I needed that time to think about everything that had been going on in my life these last few days, weeks and months.

I had thought about how I had fallen for two boys in less time that it had taken my wrist to heel. Ruben was still in my thoughts and even though I hadn't heard from him or seen him since that day at the lake villa, I couldn't help but want to see him again, stare into his lovely dark blue eyes. Feel the touch of his skin on mine. But then I wanted to stare into August's green eyes and hold his hand and feel the touch of his lips on mine.

I had fallen for two boys. My heart was beating furiously for two boys. And it was only now that I had realised my still existing feelings for Ruben.

I awoke the next morning hearing loud knocks on my front door and the bell constantly ringing. I sighed and rolled over in bed annoyed at whoever it was. I stared at the celling trying to block out the repetitive sound of the knocking and wishing that I had chosen a different sound for the bell. After I realised that the person wasn't going to leave, I decided that I ought to go down and see what all the fuss was about before my neighbours awoke.

'For goodness sake she hates you.' Shouted someone from outside. I suddenly stopped when I realised that two people must be standing outside in the early morning. 'Well I have come to apologize.' Answered the other person calmly. And that's when I realised that I knew who it was.


'Just fuck off. She won't want to see you.' Said the other voice being August. And that's when my mind must have really woken up because I suddenly opened the front door panic rising in my stomach. But at the same moment, August must have been about to knock on the door so his heavy fist landed straight into my noise, an awful crack resonating in the house. I fell back on the floor at the strength of the impact.

I clutched my noise feeling a sticky and runny substance dripping down and pain shooting up my face. 'Oh my god I'm so sorry.' Said August rushing over to my side hurt in his eyes when I pushed him away. 'Yeah. At least she'll hate you to now.' Said Ruben laughing and bending down at my height. A glimpse of worry crossed his eyes and he quickly helped me stand up and sit down on a chair. He slowly took my bloody fingers off my nose and accessed the injury.

'I...It's broken Elie.' He slowly said with a worried look on his face. 'Let's get you to the hospital.' He said picking me up and walking me over to his car. The shock of everything was overwhelming me and I could feel tears prick my eyes. 'I...I...need to get dressed.' I said realising that I was bare foot and in my pyjamas. 'Oh... yes... do you need help?' Ruben asked letting go of me. I shook my head no and realised that August was walking out with a wet cloth for me to put on my noise. I took it slowly thanking him and walked up to my room to get dressed.

I walked back down and into Ruben's car wondering what I had done wrong to end up at the hospital again, but this time with two boys I liked. The car ride was awkward and silent, the two boys staring at me most of the time. August was leaning over the back seat and staring at me with an apologetically look on his face and I trying to ignore it as much as I could.

We drove up to the familiar entrance I had been before with Ruben. We parked and the two boys escorted me to the entrance and of course the day wouldn't start any better than with Jace standing in front of the welcome desk, his back to us. I stopped dead in my tracks staring at the back of his head and I could feel Ruben freeze in spot next to me.

'Hi Jace, sorry to bother you but we need your help' Said August to Jace. I could tell that Ruben was slightly stressed out at the sight of Jace standing in front of us.

'Yes?' Jace asked turning around and then his eyes landed on Ruben and I. 'Ruben...' said Jace slowly staring at the boy standing next to me.

'What... What happened this time?' slowly asked Jace looking at the blood dripping from my nose onto the clean hospital floor. 'I...I...punched her?' said August but it came out more like a question. 'Since when do you punch girls August? I hope you don't do that to your patients when I leave the room.' Said Jace surprised but slightly amused at August punching me.

'Look. I'm her boyfriend and I was knocking on the door when she suddenly opened it.' Said August. I wanted to punch him back for telling Jace that he was my boyfriend in front of Ruben.

Ruben looked at me and I could see hurt in his eyes. 'Well. Didn't take you long to forget about me.' mumbled Ruben walking over to the desk dragging me along. I didn't know what to say.

We filled in all the paperwork and Jace silently took me over to a bed making me sit up so that I didn't choke on my own blood. 'I'll be back.' He said through gritted teeth clearly not happy to see me. I nodded and fiddled with my fingers. A nurse soon came in to take my vital signs and give me an ice-pack for the swelling. She walked off without a word and I waited alone for Jace to come back.

'I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to punch you.' Said August rushing into the room. He sat down next to me and took my hand. Ruben slowly followed and sat on a chair in a corner of the room.

'Why were you both at my door?' I asked wondering why they had both turned up. 'I... I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't realise you hated the date.' Said August slowly. I heard Ruben laugh and both of us turned towards him. 'Well. At least you liked our dates.' He said in defence. 

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