Chapter 2 - We all get tired in the middle

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I can promise you one thing, you will get tired somewhere in the middle. Why is that? The middle is our time of testing. The middle is the time where we are far from where we started, but equally far from where we are going. The middle is the time when it is easiest to want to quit.

Anyone who has set a big goal for themselves knows this already. What is it about the middle? Usually, the middle is where we start to doubt if we have what it takes to push through. If you are working towards a big goal that takes many years, it is easy to get tired of it. In the middle is where we lose our enthusiasm and people around us have either forgotten or have lost interest. The middle is when we begin to question if we even want to do this anymore.

The middle is the time where we really have to dig into our inner strength. When a goal is no longer exciting and starts to feel like hard work with no glory, this is how you know you are in the middle. This is when you are at the true crossroads of either turning back or forging ahead on a path that is truly unknown for you. This is step one of uncovering new ground inside of you.

There is not a person on this planet who has achieved greatness in any area of life who hasn't considered quitting in the middle. No matter how many people I talk to or read about, this is one common experience of greatness. On the flip side, this is also common for those who never experience greatness too.

Like it or now, you will find out what you are made of in the middle. This is also the time where we decide to side with our hearts, with God, or if we side with the world. You see the world is not at all encouraging. I don't care what people say, I know through half a century of experience that the world seeks to keep us down, seeks to keep us average. It is only the determined who break through, the real fighters, the people who know without a doubt who they are and what they are here for.

But my goal is to change that. My purpose is to help every single person see their greatness. My purpose in life is to help those of you who are doubting, to find the strength you need in the middle to push through. My goal is for you to see who God made you to be. Do I know who that is? Absolutely not. But what I can promise you is that you were created for greatness, and if you ever truly understand that, the middle will be nothing more than a marking point on your journey.

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