Chapter 5 - The world doesn't want you to succeed

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There is a reason we talk about the top 5% or even the top 1%. If there is anyone who says they don't want to be there, I frankly don't believe them. Every single person on this planet was born for greatness. Every single person on this planet has gifts inside of them that were given to serve other people. Every single person should be in their top percentage.

I don't want to focus on anything the world says. I use the top percentages as an analogy only because we don't ever, and I repeat ever, want to allow ourselves to be measured by the world. In the last chapter we discussed how the world's negative programming can impact us, and this is why we need to seek our greatness through God.

But you need to know that the systems created in this world are not designed so that everyone will win. If you are in midlife like I am, you may already realize this. The world's system is designed to keep people in mediocrity, and there are lots of people who are willing to join in to keep you there.

This message though isn't about begrudging anyone who has made it to the top in their field. They should be celebrated and open your eyes to what is possible. But many people instead choose the path of jealousy and ugliness. This though is just a limiting excuse to not try yourself, so don't go there.

If you are going to achieve greatness in the area you are meant to be great, then silence the world and all of its limiting systems. Embark on your path boldly with the understanding that the world is better at limiting most, then it has ever been at lifting most. To deny that is not only silly but dangerous.

I am sure you have heard the expression keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. Know what you are dealing with so you won't be surprised when it is encountered. I can promise you one thing, if you make the decision to go after all you are meant to be, you will face challenges, obstacles, unfairness, and downright ugliness. But do it anyway!

Think about people who decide to sail around the world. If they are going to be successful they have to plan for every "what if" that they could possibly encounter. While it would be easy to plan for sunshine and calm seas, any experienced sailor knows this would be a death sentence. They have to plan for the worst, and then the worst yet, and this is what each of us needs to do too.

Anyone who says that life and this world are fair, either haven't lived very long or are lying. Just take this as fact and move on. Plan for it like the sailors do and don't expect sunny skies and calm seas. Some of the daily storms you will face will be people telling you that your dreams are silly. You may be laughed at. Some people will try to knock you down. Some people will cheat you and may even lie about you. You will also face your own doubts, your own fears, your own limitations. Plan for them and let's go.

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