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It was a hot summer's day. One of those days where your sweat is clinging to your skin and you feel sticky.

ARMY is finishing my rap with me:

"Nae gieogui guseog
Han kyeone jarijabeun galsaek piano
Eolil jeog jip anui guseog
Han kyeone jarijabeun galsaek piano"

They cheered, their ARMY Bombs flashing wildly.

This is what I live for. Breathe for. The ecstacy every time I finish a song and receive the cheers of ARMY.

But why...

Why do I feel so lonely?

Backstage the members hug me, congratulating my performance. They comfort me, but they don't take away my pain. The pain none of them know about.

Because when I get back to the dorm, I'm going to shower. Then I'll go to my studio. There I'll spend hours and hours, working on more songs for ARMY. I'll forget to eat until Hoseok comes to call me and has to drag me away.

The next morning I'll go to practice choreography until late. I'll pass out as soon as I get to my dorm. Then I'll wake up and go to my studio.

And so the cycle continues.

In a way it's a good thing, because every time my mind is allowed to wonder, I think about how it would be like if there was someone who could pull me out of that cycle - to rip my world out of its orbit.

"Yoongi-ah," Jin put his hand on my shoulder. His other hand was holding chopsticks. "You look so down these days."

I slurped up the last of my noodles before responding, "What are you talking about? I'm perfectly happy."

"Hyung, we're not stupid," Jungkook said with a serious expression. "You are usually stoic and sarcastic, but these days it's almost as if you force it."

Namjoon put down his cellphone and focused on me, "Yoongi, if something is wrong you need to talk to us. We're your brothers."

Yes, but you're not enough.

I sighed and stood up. The smell of coffee was beginning to make me nausious. Although I loved the coffee shop we always came to, I just had to... take a walk. "I know. Don't worry, I'm just a bit tired. I'm going to go for a walk, I'll see you later."

They nodded and looked concerned, but stayed quiet.

I put my black mask over my nose and pulled my hat down so that it almost touched my eyebrows.

The door shut with a "cling-cling" behind me as I exited the building. I shoved my hands into the pockets of my dark jeans and made my way to the place that always gave me inspiration. The park.

I was deep in thought, not really concentrating on the few girls I passed that thought I looked familiar.

A dog probably the size of a horse ran straight into me. He knocked me over, and licked my face. I couldn't help but laugh, even though he slobbered all over my face.

A girl's voice was nearing from a distance, "Aniyo (no)! Aniyo! Hyun Ki!" The dog looked at her, but still didn't get off me.

She was out of breath when she reached me, "Mianhe (sorry). Hyun Ki does stuff randomly sometimes. I don't understand why he just ran off."

She sighed and picked up my hat. Then she tried to push Hyun Ki off me. He didn't budge until I told him to get off.

"Hyun Ki! Why don't you listen to me? I'm your mother!" She was pouting, while Hyun Ki was just looking smugly at her.

I laughed for the first time in months. It was quite funny that this tiny girl was the 'mother' of this massive dog, that was almost twice her size.

She smiled shyly, dusted off my hat and handed it to me, "I'm sorry once again, Sir." I couldn't help but smile at this girl, "Don't worry about it. He cheered me up."

Her eyes went big and she gasped, "Oh no! You're bleeding!"

I looked at my hand. It probably got scraped by the grass when I fell. It was bleeding a bit, but it was no big deal.

She didn't agree though, "Please let me help you. I live just across the street. I can bandage it for you."

She looked very determined, and I felt too bad to say no, "Sure, okay. If you insist."

She lived in a small house, with a cute little garden with some flowers and a tree. There was no dog house, so I guessed that Hyun Ki must've slept inside the house.

The inside of her house was neat, yet cosy. Pictures and paintings hung on the wall, and pink cushions decorated a white sofa, which faced a small TV. Hyun Ki went to lie on the sofa.

"Hyun Ki! You know you're not supposed to lie on the-" she gave up with finishing her sentence and just sighed.

She led me to a little table in the centre of her open-plan kitchen. I sat down in one of the two chairs and she joined me after fetching a first aid kit.

She took my injured hand with both of hers and I winced. She looked apologetic and her cheeks started to turn red.

The thing was... I didn't wince because of my injury. I winced because of the electricity I felt when she touched me.

I gave my hand back to her. She held it gently, and started to clean the wound.

I took the chance to take in her features. She wasn't anything special when it came to looks. She was quite the plain girl. She had the usual dark hair with dark eyes. She wore glasses. Her hair was in a messy bun on top of her head. She had a small, fragile body with pale skin.

But she was immensely beautiful to me. And I didn't know why.

She broke me out of my reverie, "You never told me your name."

"Min Yoongi."

She looked up for a moment, and smiled, "Nice to meet you, Yoongi. I'm Lee Chin Sun."

And then my world ripped from its orbit.

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