Chapter 6

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Jimin's eyes were wide and his voice had a nervous pitch to it.

"I came to get Yoongi out of his cave," I said matter-of-factly.

Jimin's wild eyes jumped from me to Namjoon and then back to me again. Why was he so nervous?

"I guess this is my que," Namjoon cleared his throat. "I've got some lyrics to work on."

"But-" I started, but Namjoon was already gone.

Jimin coughed and scratched the back of his neck. "Uhm... so... do you need an escort?"

I nodded, reluctant.

Namjoon just left. Just like that. Something fishy was going on, and my novelist-brain had to know what.

Jimin led the way to Yoongi's room. I thought of different ways how to ask Jimin what was going on but ended up using the simplest one.

"What's the deal with Namjoon?"

Jimin choked on his spit and started coughing. I patted his back to help him regain his breath again.

He finally started breathing again. "There isn't anything going on..."

I raised an eyebrow.

"It's just that... He..."

Yoongi appeared then, freshly showered. He was drying his hair with a towel. Droplets left little circles along the coller of his white T-shirt.

I could feel my cheeks turning red.

When our eyes met, Yoongi looked surprised for a second - but he quickly covered it with fake annoyance.

"What are you doing here," he asked, throwing the towel over his shoulders.

"Hyung, you should greet her more respectfully... a simple hello wouldn't hurt anyone..." Jimin said, shyly avoiding eye contact with his hyung.

Yoongi sighed and pasted on a smile, "Hello, Chin Sun."

"H-hello, Yoongi." Why do I always stutter when I talk to this guy?

Yoongi rolled his eyes and walked past us.

Anger and shame boiled up from within me. Did he just roll his eyes at me? All the trouble I went through... Everything I did just to see if he was okay....

That does it. I had enough of his crap.

"Hey!" I yelled after him.

Surprised, he turned around.

"I tricked security to let me in so I could come see if you're still alive. And what do you do? You don't even greet me, then walk past me as if I'm some kind of ornament?" I totally lost my temper and I wasn't going to hide it.

Jimin and Yoongi's eyes were sourcers. Yoongi began trying to apologize, "I'm sorry, I-"

"You know what? I'm sick of being treated like garbage for caring." I stomped past Yoongi, bumping my shoulder against his.


"Hyung, this is your own fault. You were an ass," Jungkook told Yoongi.

It had been hours since Chin Sun had lost her temper on him and stormed away.

And he had to admit... He felt really bad.

"Yeah, she was just worried," Hoseok said, while chewing his food.

"Poor Jimin-ssi is traumatized~" Taehyung teased, poking Jimin in his side.

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