Chapter 4

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"I wondered why they were trying so desperately to get me away," he said. He reached out his hand for me to shake it, "I'm Hoseok." I smiled back at the cheerful looking Hoseok and shook his hand. "Hi, I'm Chin Sun."

He was wearing loose sweatpants and  a oversized yellow T-shirt. He had a headband on his head which slightly bent the tips of his ears. It was actually adorable.

"Yah! Hoseok, what are you doing here?" Yoongi asked with an irritated tone. I would've felt very offended if I were Hoseok but he didn't even seem bothered.

"I came to give you my part of our next song," he said, holding out a memory stick. "Tell me what you think."

Wait... Song?

"Are you guys a boygroup?" I asked, suddenly very shy.

The boys stared at me. Jimin was the one to finally answer my question, "Ne. We are BTS - or at least five of BTS."

Holy chopsticks. That was why Yoongi looked so familiar when I first met him. That was why they all looked so familiar. I have watched a few of their music videos before.

I could feel my cheeks heating up from my neck to the corners of my eyes. "W-well that's nice!" Keep calm, Chin Sun. Keep calm.

"Would you like to get something to drink? You look like you should cool down," Jungkook said, worried. It was weird how he was worried even though I met him hours before.

"She needs to go home. If she is spotted-" Yoongi began, but he caught himself mid sentence.

Was I putting them in some kind of uncomfortable situation?

"No, we just met. I think it's only good manners to get her something to drink," Hoseok said with a bright grin. "Come on, follow me to the cafeteria."

I turned around to look at Yoongi. I don't know if it was to ask him for permission, but he sighed and nodded. "Fine, but only for a few minutes. This is against the rules."

"Rules my butt! Let's go!" Taehyung exclaimed and dragged me along. I chuckled at how cute it was. Jimin looked a bit nervous, but his expression was soon covered by a wide, excited grin when he saw Yoongi get out of his studio to come with us.

The cafeteria was bigger than I thought it would be. There were plain white tables everywhere. There was an area where you could make yourself some food, with an assortment of different noodles and meat. There was also a refrigerator with different drinks - from water and juice to basically anything.

In the kitchen area, a broad shouldered man was making something. It smelt delicious.

Hoseok noticed me staring and propelled me toward him, "That's Jin. He makes the best food you could ever eat."

When we entered the kitchen area, Jin turned around. He squealed and dropped the utensil he was holding.

"This is Chin Sun!" Taehyung said, pointing at me.

"H-hi..." I picked up the utensil and handed it to him. "Sorry if I startled you."

He exchanged glances with the others and then grinned kindly, "It's okay." He made a flower with his hands under his chin, "I'm Worldwide Handsome."

The others groaned and cringed at the statement. I found it amusing. "Hello there, mister Worldwide Handsome Jin. I'm honoured to be in your presence."

"Yah~ I like this girl~" Jin said.

"Until she hears your sucky dad jokes," Yoongi said, massaging his temples.

"You tell dad jokes?!" I exclaimed. I was a fan of them. I usually have a few of my own up my sleeve as well.

Jin jumped up and down, "You like them?"


"What do you call the security of Samsung?"

"I don't know."

"Guardians of the Galaxy!"

I burst out laughing. The others weren't even phased. Only Jimin giggled along.

Hoseok led me and the others to a table. Jungkook was about to head to the refrigerator, "What would you like?" I thought for a second and then decided, "I'd like a coke please." He nodded.

He returned with drinks for everyone. I guess they knew eachother so well, they didn't need to ask what they wanted to drink.

Suddenly my mind travelled back to Yoongi's words of earlier. "Why am I not allowed to hang out with you guys?"

They all choked. Jin was the first to recover, "It's just because of a common problem all idols have. As soon as a girl is in a photo with us, everyone thinks we're dating." I got the feeling that he wasn't telling me everything, but before I could ask, Namjoon appeared.

The members' eyes grew wide. I stood up so I could respectfully greet the group's leader, when suddenly I was grabbed by the arm and dragged out.

Namjoon looked shocked. "Yoongi? What?"

Before I could utter a word, Yoongi already had me out and on my way to the elevator.

"What's going on?" I asked, irritated with how he just dragged me away with no apology.

He didn't answer.

It irritated me even more. "Yoongi!"

Before we could enter the elevator, I ripped my wrist from his grasp. "I'm not a fricking doll! That hurt."

His eyes softened a bit, "Sorry."

"Please explain to me why you did it," I pleaded.

He sighed, "I can't give you much of an explanation. Let's just say Namjoon is in a sensitive position."

His looked over my shoulder. He then grabbed my wrist again and quickly stepped in the elevator. When the doors closed, he breathed out a breath of relief.

"You can let go now," I said to Yoongi. He was still holding on to my wrist.

He let go and looked away. I became very aware that we were alone in this small elevator.

Not good at starting conversations, I rather kept quiet.

It felt like we were riding an elevator from the moon. It felt like we'd never hit the ground level.

"Thank you," Yoongi suddenly said. I gazed at him, "For what?" He scratched the back of his neck, "For...For the chicken." I chuckled, "Sure, no problem."

"And sorry for being a jerk," Yoongi continued. "That was wrong of me." I smiled kindly back at him, "It's okay. I could see you were stressed."

A ting sound indicated that the elevator had stopped. The doors opened and Yoongi and I stepped out. "Should I call a taxi for you?" Yoongi asked.

It was weird how he had changed from a grumpy grizzly bear to a teddie bear within a few hours.

"Anniyo. My home isn't that far."

"Chin Sun?" A voice called from somewhere behind me. I turned around and my heart dropped when I saw who it belonged to.

What was Geonwoo doing here?


Hello dears! I'm sorry for the short update. >< I know I take long at getting to a point... Like I can totally understand why you'd be bored to death by this story XD
I'll try my best to work on that, so please don't give up on me yet...

Lots of love and purple!

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