Chapter 3

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Rules were never something Taehyung liked. Sure, they were there to protect and guide you. But being different and not following the rules is what makes you a person.

"You know, this might not be such a good idea. If the hyungs find out..." Jimin raked his fingers through his hair. Taehyung could see in his nervous fidgeting that Jimin was nervous.

"Come on, we need to do this. That girl has been going to the park Yoongi-hyung usually visits every day. She looks pretty down when she goes home," Taehyung said. He wasn't going to abandon this mission.

"You sound like a stalker, Hyung," Jungkook said as he gave a sheepish smile. He was a little calmer about this than Jimin.

"I wasn't stalking her... I was merely observing."

The other two rolled their eyes.

They maknaes were entering the earlier mentioned park. They were going to wait for the girl to arrive and then become acquainted. Then they would help her get closer to Yoongi so that he can be happy again. That was Taehyung's plan.

But it wasn't going quite as planned.

"Hyung, are you sure she comes here every day?" Jungkook asked after checking his cellphone. "It's been more than an hour."

Jimin stood up, "Maybe we should get going. The hyungs will--"

"No. We're going to her house," Taehyung said. He was not going to give up so easily.

The other boys looked bewildered. "H-her house? You know where she lives?!" Jimin asked. Jungkook laughed, "Now we know you're a stalker."

Taehyung waved them off and led the way. He had followed the girl and her dog once. The dog had run to him and nearly licked his face off, but he managed to hide before the girl could see him.

The three boys reached a small house with a adorable little garden. Taehyung loved the flowers and plants that was planted there. And it kind of gave away some characteristics of the girl that lived there.

She liked white and pink flowers and loved a lot of green too. If you looked closely, in a pot near the door, she had a bunch of small yellow flowers. This gave away that she is a fragile person, although she doesn't show it. She must be a kind and caring person too, judging by the good condition her garden was in.

"Do you have a plan yet, Hyung? Or are you going to stare at the flowers forever?" Jungkook snapped Taehyung out of his reverie.

He simply shrugged. He was going to wing it. Who needs a plan anyway?

Before Jimin could protest again, Taehyung knocked on her front door. There was a silence. Did he imagine it, or did he hear a sniff?

The door swung open.

There in the doorway, stood a short girl. She had glasses and her eyes looked a bit pink. Ah, he thought, I wasn't imagining it.

She looked a slight bit disappointed, but quickly gave a kind smile, "Annyonghaseyo, can I help you?"

Taehyung gave her the best smile he could in the hopes that it would cheer her up, "Annyong! I'm Taehyung and this is Jungkook and Jimin." Her gaze travelled to the other boys. They greeted her. She seemed calmer then and grinned back at them.

Taehyung continued, "You know our friend, Yoongi, am I right?" Her eyes widened with concern at the mention of his name, "Y-yoongi? Is he okay?"

"He's just a bit loves--" Jimin elbowed him in the ribs before he could finish his sentence. Jimin then took the liberty of finishing the sentence, "He's just a bit busy." She sighed in relief.

The Idol's Rules || BTS Yoongi/Suga fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن