Chapter 2

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When he got back to the studio, all Yoongi could do was think of what had happend a while ago.

And her. Chin Sun.

He walked right into Taehyung. "Hyung! Watch were you're going," he said, rubbing his head. He noticed Yoongi's bandage, "What happend?"

Yoongi wondered how it would sound like if he told him the whole story. He would probably laugh. But who else could he tell? Taehyung was the most trustworthy of Bangtan.

"I was knocked over by a girl's dog and scraped my hand while falling. She wanted to bandage it because she felt bad," he said to Taehyung.

Taehyung's eyes started to glitter, "Hyung! You met a girl! I never thought this day would come!" He squished Yoongi in delight.

"Let go!" Yoongi tried to push him away, but Taehyung didn't budge. "Now you can finally have a girlfriend."

"No, it's not like that, you brat!"

"What's her name? Is she pretty? I bet she has a soft heart like yours~"

Namjoon appeared, "What is all this noise about?! I'm trying to concentrate."

Yoongi looked at Taehyung. Don't say it. Don't you dare say it-- He gave a mischievous grin, Hyung, this is world-class news, sorry. Yoongi totally regretted what he said about Taehyung earlier.

"Yoongi-Hyung met a girl!" He smiled brightly at Namjoon. Namjoon didn't look that happy though. He leaned against the wall, "This isn't as good as you think of it, Taehyung."

Taehyung's smile vanished, "Why?"

"You forgot the rules it seems," he looked serious and glanced at Yoongi, "Yoongi-Hyung knows it. That's why he isn't freaking out or making a big deal out of it."

To be honest... Yoongi forgot about the rules for a second. When he met Chin Sun.

Taehyung's face was turning red with anger, and probably embarrassment too, Yoongi thought. "Just because you--"

"Don't finish that sentence. You know that you'll regret what ever you're going to say next," Yoongi said, stopping him mid sentence.

Taehyung bowed with a "sorry Hyung" and left. Namjoon looked pained, and after a apologetic look at Yoongi, he disappeared into his studio again.

Yoongi was well aware of the rules that Bangtan had made. It was rules that would protect them, and those they would possibly fall in love with.

1. Don't get personal with any of the fans.

2. Don't forget that you are an idol. You travel around a lot and can never be with anyone for long. You also don't have time for romance.

3. No one-night-stands.

4. Don't lose focus.

5. Keep working hard to keep ARMY happy.

6. Don't socialize with girls for too long. It's bound to lead to friendship and then, ultimately, love.

7. Don't fall in love.

Yoongi remembers how they came to decide on these rules. They were all sitting in the meeting room with Hitman Bang. It was right after Namjoon had suffered a heartbreak, that Yoongi feared would forever haunt him. Hitman Bang looked just as pained as the rest of them, because they were all worried of Namjoon. He then told us that we should make these rules and stick to them, to prevent that to happen again.

Since that day, they all tried to stick to those rules.

Yoongi was sitting at his desk now. His cellphone was in his hand. He had realised that he never asked Chin Sun for her number...

But you know where she lives...

Yoongi scolded that thought. He wasn't going back to her. It would be for the best. For both of them. He'll try to forget her. To forget that she ever existed.

Yoongi felt that that was probably the hardest thing that he would ever do.

He pulled out his notebook and pen. Maybe writing a song would take his mind off of it.


It had been more than a week since I last saw Yoongi. I tried to believe what Seojeon said. I even went to the park almost every day in the hopes of seeing him again.

Hyung Ki was lying by my feet while I was trying to continue with my chapter.

Anna stared at John. The cold wind was tearing through her jacket. But John's look made her shiver more.
This was the tipping point. Anything she said now could change everything. Or nothing.

I sighed. My original plan was to make Anna tell John that she forgives him for cheating on her. Then she would say that it was in the past. Then John would say he was sorry for what happend and that it would never happen again. Then they would kiss and live happily ever after.

But... Life didn't always give you what you want. In fact life never gave me what I want.

"John, I'm sorry. I can't see you anymore," Anna said. John's expression turned into one of utter agony. It didn't hurt her as much as he had hurt her then. She turned around and left the airport.

I burst out laughing. This was way too familiar. But I'll go with it.

Then it all came back to me. The pain. The image that I worked so hard to erase from my brain.

The tears started to drip down my chin. Hyun Ki whined and poked my arm with his nose.

I hugged him, "Why are you the only one that is always there for me? Even if you never listen."

My glasses were wet, so I took them off and flung it onto the desk. I had considered to get contact lenses before, but it was nicer to have glasses. I could hide behind them.

I sniffed and wiped at my eyes. I reached to pick up my glasses-

Someone knocked on the door.

The Idol's Rules || BTS Yoongi/Suga fanficTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang