Chapter 2

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Some time had passed as she sat there in fear. Her hands were shivering, eyes were tearing up. She was scared what would happen. Just then, she started to hear some footsteps outside the door. She got up from there, ran towards the door and was hoping to hear something- maybe a voice. But she couldn't hear anything but the footsteps, which was getting heavier every second. She quickly pulled the stand on which the urn was placed and pushed it against the door. The footsteps had stopped. She was certain that the person was right in front of the door, and in fear she pushed the stand even more towards the door. As she did that, the urn fell down and broke into several pieces, one among which cut above her right legs' ankles.  She screamed.....briefly, before closing her mouth shut from her left hand. She now noticed that the person outside had inserted a key and had unlocked the door and was moving the handle furiously, in an attempt to open it. April ensured that she put all her energy in pushing the stand against the door. "Move away!" shouted the man, his voice was deep. He seemed to have been in a hurry. April didn't speak a word, she closed her mouth and was whimpering. 

The man stopped banging the door and moving the handles. April was not ready to think that the man had gone. She stayed still. Then, from under the door, a note slipped.
"I am here to help you. Please trust me. Mr. Scott will be here any moment, so we have to hurry."
April thought this was some kind of a trap. Slowly, she bent down a little and tried seeing who it was from the peephole. The man, who was wearing a mask, slowly removed it after checking if there was anybody else in the long corridor. It was Mr. Sanderson, April's van driver. April quickly pushed the stand aside and banged the door continuously. She was relieved to see Mr. Sanderson and so wiped her tears, although the tears had no plans of stopping. Mr. Sanderson opened the door and quickly grabbed her hand. He didn't tell anything, he just started to drag her with him. They ran till the end of the corridor before stopping near the store room, where he nervously searched for a pair of handcuffs. 

"These are so that the guards don't get suspicion that I am helping you escape" said he while getting her handcuffed. He gave her the mask he was wearing before and told to not utter a word and to just follow him. Then, they went into the elevator whose doors closed after he had pressed the 'close doors' button like six times. He had started to sweat. Just when they had reached the seventh floor, the button of 5th floor inside the lift started to blink. Someone had pressed it, he didn't want to take any risks. He force stopped the elevator and dragged her to the stairs. They took the stairs till the ground floor and he whispered "we need to pass through the security gate. If the guards try to remove your mask, run through the gate and get in the car parked opposite. Do you understand?" April nodded.

As they approached security gate, Mr. Sanderson said "Boss wants her brought to the warehouse." The security just nodded and ordered his men to open the gates. Mr. Sanderson took her near the car, opened the back door and pushed April inside, to ensure the guard staring at him doesn't get any suspicion. Then, he slowly came around and sat in the driver's seat. Turning back, he opened the mask and removed the handcuffs.

"Are you alright?" he asked, looking at her.
"I don't know how to thank you, I would be killed if it weren't for you. I was so scared. I....I....."
"Shh.... Calm down. I know. I am sorry. I really am."
"Because I didn't want to. I tried not to. But I was helpless, Mr. Scott was sitting right beside me, in the van. It was really hard, April. But just know that I did it to save myself, and and my family."
"It... it can't be. Did you.....? No. How do I know you are not being ordered now? How do I know you have actually saved me? Please let me out, please."
"You have gotta trust me, April. Please let me help you. The guilt of not being able to save you years ago, still haunts me. So don't let me feel guilty again, please. I am really helping you this time."

By then, April's mind had traveled into the realm of silence, embracing nothingness.

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