Chapter 10

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The day April had anticipated all the while had finally arrived. And its arrival had been notified to April by a dream. The dream had not only woken her up, but it had gotten her mind dive into a number of thoughts. She quickly grabbed her diary and scribbled something up. After nearly an hour, she heard honks from outside her house and was certain it was Mr. Sanderson. She got into the car and they were en route to Mr. Sanderson's warehouse near The Red Lake. They had to travel for two hours before they could reach the warehouse. After an hour and a half had passed, they decided to stop at a place and send the message to both of them anonymously.

"We know about the connection that you have with Daniel missing. Come to the address which will be sent after this message at 10:30 A.M tomorrow or we will have to release the footage."   

After a few minutes had passed, it was Mr. Scott who had messaged. But strangely, he had not replied to Mr. Sanderson who had sent the message anonymously, but to April. April was shocked because she was expecting a reply from Lily, to whom she had messaged. She opened the message and it read,

"Mr. Sanderson can help you, but can he protect you?"

Reading this, she felt a chill sent to her spine. What did he mean by that? Looking at the fear on her face, Mr. Sanderson asked what the message was about. She showed the message to him and he instantly said that she need not worry and that Mr. Scott was just trying to play the manipulative game. His attempt was to break the trust and the bond that they had shared and he asked her to not fall into his trap. April nodded and calmed down. Just then, another message pops up, but this time it was to Sanderson. His chauffeur friend, who worked for Mr. Scott now, had messaged. 

"Mr. Scott knows."
Mr. Sanderson quickly understood. Someone must have ratted out the plan to Scott, he thought. 

"We need to change the plan, April. We can't let this man pass. I will call the actor whom we have hired to act as the policeman. I will tell him to call Scott directly and tell him the entire plan. I will make him speak as if he is betraying us for the money that Scott would offer him.  I will ensure that he tells Scott that he would be loyal if he promises to give him a good amount. Scott would surely fall for this because the cops usually tip him off information for huge money. I will tell him to tell a different place, but I will tell my chauffeur friend to get Scott here. We will use Scott's manipulative game on him."

And it had worked. Mr. Scott had agreed. Since he knew the arrangement, he had not taken the guards with him. The actor, dressed up as a policeman, did not sit inside the warehouse near the desk but stood near the gates of the warehouse to welcome Mr. Scott. He led him and the chauffeur directly to the hidden room beneath the warehouse where Mr. Sanderson's ex-colleagues were waiting to take revenge. As soon as Mr. Sanderson, his chauffeur, and the policeman entered, there were gunshots. The policeman had been killed. The chauffeur, realizing the turn of events, tried to escape the room but he could not. One man was standing near the gate with the gun and another was standing next to him with a gun pointed to his head. Mr. Sanderson slowly takes out a cigarette and smokes it. 

"Call Sanderson and tell him that I am killed. Now. Or else you will face the same fate as this fake policeman."

And he did, he called Mr. Sanderson who was sitting in the car with April. They didn't have anything to do as Lily had not showed up. And he had trust in his ex-colleagues. Upon hearing that Mr. Scott had been killed, they were happy to have gotten rid of Mr. Scott and that their plan had worked. Or so did they believe. The work had been done and so they had to leave. April was silent, a tiny bit of worry was still seen on her face. Mr. Sanderson was too happy to notice it. 

They had crossed just a quarter of the long bridge above The Red Lake when they felt a hard bang on the rear-side of the car. As it was a narrow bridge and with such a huge impact, Mr. Sanderson lost control of the steering. The car hit the railing, broke it and went flying into the water. Just before going off the bride, April saw in the rear-view mirror the truck which had rammed them. It had the name of Mr. Scott's company written on it. The car fell into the water upside down. The impact had killed Mr. Sanderson on the spot. April was heavily injured. 

With a lot of difficulty, she came out of the car but the mud beneath held her hard. And it slowly sucked her in. It was as if even God was tired of seeing her shed tears all the time. It was as if he had given her the opportunity to be one among the water world, where her tears would lose visibility but would surely gain value. She could be the queen of the world, by holding in water, that is nothing but teardrops of people like her from across the world. 

                                                                                   E P I L O G U E

Mr. Scott comes in his car to the bridge and gets Sanderson's car out only to find Mr. Sanderson's body. April was nowhere to be found. But a diary was retrieved from the car. Mr. Scott opens the diary and goes to the last page.

"You can kill me. But can you escape your fate?"

He shivers and he hears siren wailing. He is surrounded by cops and is arrested. They had gotten a recording of him speaking with Lily about his plan to kill Sanderson and April.
April had mastered the manipulation game. She had arranged for Mr. Scott's doomsday by taking the help of his daughter. And by doing so, she had won over him and she had controlled him from her grave. 

                                                                                             The End.

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