Chapter 4

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It had been a few minutes since April had reached home. She was tired, from the incidents that had happened in the present and also by remembering what had happened in the past.
"The guilt of not being able to save you years ago" he had said.
All the way home, she had been sitting silently in the car when violent images of her past haunted her. She headed directly to the bathroom, took a few mugs full of water and splashed her face. Tears were sliding on her cheeks and decided to join the splashing water, as they felt the first taste of freedom of emotions bottled up. A year drop is merely not a drop of water, but is a body on the death bed with emotions as the skeleton. After a few minutes, she decided to come to her room and lie down for a while.

Images of her dancing happily on the stage, of a family picture with her looking hilariously at her brother, of the greeting card Lily had specially made for her filled her eyes. She felt as if those images on the roof would transform into reality, dragging her with them. She wanted that to become reality again. She didn't want to accept that her life has moved on. Just then, she glanced at another image of the first poem she had written an year ago. It was titled 'Happiness', and the winds had stolen that from her.

A message popped. April waited briefly before seeing her phone. It was from Mr. Sanderson. With a little bit of hesitation, April opened the message.

Mr. Scott knows that you have escaped. Be careful.

Another message came.

Blake tower. 7 A.M. Be there.

For a moment, she thought she wouldn't go. She was scared if he would take her to Mr. Scott again, she feared if Mr. Scott has bought Mr. Sanderson again. But then, he had told her to trust him. His eyes spoke of truth and she could see guilt in those eyes. And she knew that the language of the eyes was a sacred language. She decided to trust him, and go there.

Both Mr. Sanderson and April reached the place with a difference of a few minutes. Mr. Sanderson had come earlier and was nervously waiting for April. As soon as he saw April at a distance, he ran towards her, held her hands and started to speak.
It was during when I was working as a volunteer in political campaigns, was when I met Mr. Scott. His personal secretary Toby had studied me and had hinted Mr. Scott that I would be the right person to handle stuff. And so Mr. Scott approached me, handed me $250 placed inside a envelope.

Behind read, "The money will double. Maybe even more. Be my chauffeur."

I didn't have a choice. I was so much in need of money that I just couldn't tell no. And so I have been working as his 'chauffeur' ever since. I get him around and get his work done.
The time has shown mercy. It is my turn now. I tell this again, do not fear me. Trust me and I shall truly help you.
Before April could tell anything, he took out a sheet of paper from his pocket and started writing something, hurriedly. He gave the piece of paper to April and told her to never lose it and that it will be of help soon. Read it a number of times till it is registered in your mind and do not disclose what is written inside it with anyone. You never know where the wild eyes and ears are, and it is best to be with yourself, at all times.

"But I am scared, Mr. Sanderson. I hit that boy cos he made fun of me. I can ask Mr. Scott my apologies."
"He is not somebody who needs apologies. He calls himself a social worker, but there is more to him than that. He wants revenge."
"I am there with you. I know him. Don't be scared. We will sort it out. Together."

April had gotten some courage now. She hugged Mr. Sanderson briefly and left from there. She reached home, sat down on the couch and opened the sheet of paper which Mr. Sanderson had given her earlier and started reading.

"Where it is cold
Lie pieces of whole
Where lights go hide
And make it hard to see
Follow where the air leads
And you shall drink your needs"

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