Chapter 5

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She read the lines a number of times, but hardly understood anything. She wondered why Mr. Sanderson had chosen to write it on a piece of paper rather than telling it to her. She couldn't think of any reason. Right then, she got a phone call from Lily. She hadn't seen her from the past 3-4 days and so they had agreed upon meeting today at her house. She spoke with her and told her that she would be leaving in another 10 minutes and she hung up the call. After reaching Lily's house, Lily's parents were so happy to see April that they held her hands and were inquiring if she was alright and were re-assuring that nothing would happen to her. Lily came down running from her room after she had heard them talking and tightly hugged April. Neither of them spoke anything. They were silent and were still hugging, with April's eyes filled with tears of happiness for getting to meet her best friend again. 

"I had thought I would not see you again!" said April.
"I was really worried about you, April." replied Lily. 
"I have so many things to tell you."
"Come, let's go up. Tell me everything!"

And so they both went up to Lily's room. Lily went and sat down on the bed. April entered the room, closed the door and sat on a chair next to the bed. Before Lily could speak anything, April said, "I wanna know more about Mr. Scott." Lily took a moment to realize who it was. She wondered why Mr. Scott had come into the picture all of a sudden. Then, April threw light on everything that had happened. She also reminded Lily of the incident wherein she had slapped Richard. Lily, now knew why she wanted to know more about Mr. Scott. Lily didn't know much about Mr. Scott, but she surely knew that he was a famous man. So, she quickly turned on her laptop and searched about Mr. Scott on the internet. 

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Read some of the links that were there in the page. She opened the second link in a new tab and the first in the present tab. His social media page was filled with political campaign images, his visit to an orphanage, the inauguration ceremony of an N.G.O etc. Nothing useful for the moment, and so she closed the tab. The page of the second link was now seen on the screen. As she read, she got to know that Mr. Scott's business had shut down two years ago. He had an automobile assembling and exporting business by the name JoScott Assemblers  with major deals with four other companies garnering profits in millions. She further got to know that one among the companies was headed by a close of friend of his, Daniel Clifford. April wanted to read further, but Lily had clicked on Daniel Clifford, which was a hyperlink to his social media account. 

As she scrolled down, she could see hundreds of posts written on his timeline. Not by him, but people. They had tagged him in pictures designed with his picture and with the heading "Missing." The last time he had uploaded something was three days before his disappearance. The photo was of him and his son Jencer,  enjoying in some unknown beach in his son's vacations. Lily clicked on the profile of his son and realized that he was in the same college that they were in. She scrolled down the profile and a number of images seen on Daniel's profile, were seen here as well. Jencer was enthusiastic about vlogging. He had uploaded many vlogs on his account, all of which had very few views and likes. But he hadn't given up. Among all the videos, one video titled 'DAD, pls stop' caught Lily's eyes. She started playing the video. It started with a selfie video of him telling how he is frustrated with his dad, and how that he hasn't been able to sleep properly from the past few days. The video then showed Daniel walking to and fro in his room, speaking angrily on the phone with someone. His voice wasn't heard clearly but Jencer was sure that something wasn't wrong. The video ends with Jencer's selfie video again where he tells  "Please dad. Don't fight everyday. I get scared."

Lily checked when the video was uploaded, it was two days before Daniel had gone missing.    

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