Chapter 9

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April was horrified listening to Sanderson. With every day passing, more and more scary things uncurled themselves. For absolutely no fault of hers, unfortunately, she was the victim. Not just in because of the experiences that she had had, but also because of learning things. Just like water bodies on earth that get embraces from hail stones and rain drops, as a sensitive human being, April's mind was filled with pain. Thinking how unfortunate she was, she rested her head on the window and silently let out a few tear drops while faintly smiling. It had lasted only a few seconds before which she suddenly wiped her tears and saw Mr. Sanderson. No, she was wrong earlier. She wasn't really unfortunate. Mr. Sanderson had helped her risking his life, risking his family's well being and happiness. She knew for a fact that he would always be by her side. She held his hands and asked him to promise her that he would always give her the strength that she required. Without thinking for even a single second, he promised.

"I know that you are way wiser than your age. You have always been mature enough to make decisions that represent and fight for the truth and justice. I know you have been wanting to do something about everything that has happened recently. Do not worry, we will do it together. I have been wanting to put an end to Scott's dirty games as well. I have a plan."

"And what would that be?"

"Firstly............ and listen carefully............. you should smile."

And a smile appeared on April's face. Mr. Sanderson was relieved, for it had been a long time since that had happened.

"Tomorrow, we will get Mr. Scott and Lily to come to the warehouse that I own in the country-side near The Red Lake. I have a friend who currently works as Scott's chauffeur. I will ensure that he passes the message to Scott. You will have to ensure that Lily gets the message too."


"Yes. Both of us will send an anonymous message to them."

"We know about the connection that you have with Daniel missing.
Come to the address which will be sent after this message at 10:30 A.M tomorrow or we will have to release the footage."

"But we do not have footage!"

"Doesn't matter. Both of them will fall for it. We will hire someone to act as a policeman, who would wait in the warehouse for their arrival. Some ex-colleagues of mine who were blackmailed and tortured by Scott before are willing to teach him a lesson and take revenge. They will be with us tomorrow, we will keep them hidden in the room that is there in the basement of the warehouse. Upon arrival, Scott would be shocked to see a policeman. He wouldn't want his name to come out in relation to Daniel's death. As he always has control over the police, he will try to bribe the policeman to shut his mouth. Little would he know that his voice would get secretly recorded by us. That will act as evidence.
In the meanwhile, we will make use of Scott's chauffeur David. I will call and command him to get the guards to the hidden room in the basement. They will be fooled thinking it was Scott's orders and will follow David into the hidden room, only to get a 'smoking' hot welcome by my dear friends."

"And what about Lily?"

"I will take care of her. I will speak to her myself. I strongly feel that Scott would enter the warehouse alone leaving the guards and Lily behind. While the guards would be taken by David, she would be alone in the car. I will get her to speak and confess then.
But, if Scott takes her into the warehouse, you call her and speak like you want to get things sorted between you both. The poor reception in the warehouse will force her to come outside and talk. Then, I will speak with her."

Listening to all of this, April became confident. After a very long time, she had the chance to teach evildoers a lesson and to make them realize that some times, even money would find no value as compared to things will power can do. It was an opportunity for her to show her true potential. The migrated hope had returned, and it had returned for good, she thought.

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