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Nayeon POV
Throughout the years Momo and I been on and off. Ever since the truth came out between me and Jeongyeon, Momo and I got close. We haven't got into argument in awhile, until last night. It was funny thought, because it was about food.
Last Night
I followed Momo as she went to the kitchen to get her food. "Wait a dam minute" Momo said. "What" I said. "Who ate my Jokbal" Momo said walking to the living where everyone was. "Not me" everyone shouted. I could tell Momo was pissed. Like come one no one knows not to eat Momo's jokbal at all. "I did it c..cousin" Kim Kyong said. "I..im s..sorry please forgive m..me" he said scared. Momo hugged him and laughed "Don't be scared it's okay just next time ask" Momo said. He nodded and held on to Momo. "Hey Kyong what does your name mean" I asked. "Brightness" he answered falling asleep in Momo's arms. "Can he sleep with us" I asked. "Of course baby" Momo said. We all headed upstairs and fell asleep in our room.
Morning Momo POV
We haven't been arguing like we use to. I'm glad to don't argue anymore. I don't argue with Jeongyeon anymore, but we don't talk to each other as much. I got on the phone and called Lisa. "Uh hello" Jungkook said. "Hey Jungkook where is Lisa" I asked. "Right here but she doesn't feel like talking I'll put you on speaker" Jk said. "Hey Momo" Lisa answered weak. "Ahh you drained your power/enegry huh?" I asked. Lisa laughed "Ne. I been dancing and working out lately" she said. "What type of workout" I asked. "Like going to gym to meet my trainer and boxing" Lisa said. I laughed "Hm Jungkook isn't park of your workouts" I asked. "He is when I need him to be. Omg Momo stop" Lisa said laughing. "Okay okay. Haha I'm having a party you and your crew is invited if you want to come" I said. "We love it thank you" Lisa said. "Of course" I said. "Baby" Nayeon said. "I gotta go bye" I said hanging up the phone. "Who was you on the phone with" Nayeon said. "Just Lisa" I said sitting up. Nayeon climbed on my lap "Where's your cousin" she said. "At my Moms house" I said. Nayeon slowly started to kiss my neck and said "Good we are the only to here". "Where are you getting at" I said. Nayeon slowly took off my shirt and whispered "You know what I'm really trying to do Momo stop messing with me". I sexual choked her and started to kiss her.
Fast Forward (Momo POV)
"Wow you two can't stay off each other" Sana said. "Nayeon is always on me" I said. "Of course I'm going to say on you your mine" Nayeon let out. Nayeon started to kiss Momo's neck. "Hey Sana I'm having a party you all are invited if you want" I said. "Thanks for the invitation but I have a date with Dahyun" Sana said. Nayeon left a hickey on my neck but kept kissing my neck. Sana got up and let and I looked at Nayeon. "Finally dam she is all up on you Momo" Nayeon said getting up. "Nayeon stop getting jealous" I said getting up. "Sana is not worried about me man" I added. Nayeon just stared at me then rolled her eyes. "I can get jealous if I want to" Nayeon said fixing her hair. "I don't have time for this Nayeon" I said walking off. Nayeon grabbed my wrist and pulls me back and I looked at her. I grabbed her arms and pinned her against the wall. Nayeon gasped at my actions and bit her lips looking at me. I kissed her neck while choking her, tilting her head off to the side. I lean my face closer to Nayeon's ear and whispered "Stop getting jealous so quick, you know dam well my eyes is only for you. Now your going to get your punishment for being bad." Nayeon looked at me and blushed. "How bad is my punishment daddy" Nayeon said. I blushed hard and slapped Nayeon ass which made her moan "Let me show you how bad your punishment is" I let out.
(The party Nayeon POV)
The party started and guess who showed there face. Sana I wasn't jealous until she started to dance on Momo. I walked over there but I stop myself and thought "I trust you Momo". I look and see Momo softly push Sana to Dahyun. I smirked and walk to Momo. "Momo ahh blackpink is.." I was cut off by Momo leaning in and kissing me. I tried to talk to Momo but she kept kissing me and I wasn't about to stop that. "Mmm. Momo ahh please c..chill your friends are here" I moaned. "They know I make out with you baby" Momo said kissing my neck. I moaned quietly and I thought "What is going on with my baby today". "Why was Sana on you" I asked pushing Momo off. "To see would your jealous take over but it didn't so I'm rewarding you baby" Momo said smiling.
(Blackpink Rosè POV)

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