[09] Secret admirer

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Kelsey's POV

After the eventful evening last night of nearly being killed by Godzilla's offspring, almost drowning and saving saving Derek, I went straight to into the comfort of my bed. I didn't go home with Scott again, I went with Derek. But I will go home soon, possibly tomorrow or later today. I miss mom so much.

This morning Derek dropped me off at school without his betas. He said they had to do something, figure out who the Kanima is. I've been trying to figure out myself who it could be. I've thought of three people.

First, It could be Jackson because Derek bit him and he rejected the bite. He kind of has that evil look about him too, and he's a asshole so...he could be.

Next, Lydia because Peter-the-dick bit her and she didn't heal or die, plus she left the hospital naked and she's been acting really weird lately, maybe it's just because Jackson broke up with her, I don't know. But I can't see Lydia as being a psychotic murderer.

And then thirdly, Mr. Harris, I don't know if he's some sort of reptile but I do know he's pure evil, and I can see being a murder. I think it's his face, it defiantly reads 'I'm-an-evil-psychotic-murderous-Kanima-thing-that's-wants-to-murder-everyone-in-my-path-including-my-straight-A-student-Kelsey-McCall-because-I-despise-her-annoying-twin-brother'. That pretty much sums it up, Mr. Harris is the Kanima.

So, yet again I'm late for class. The reason why; I needed coffee to wake me up, so I went and got myself a coffee and sat outside the school, taking in the fresh air for about an hour. Rushing to my locker, I take out the books for my class.

"Hey." A voice says behind me, making me leap out of my skin. Which caused all my books to fall out of my hands and onto the floor. Dammit! Those books were in order and all my pages were neatly placed inside, now they're scattered on the floor.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry." I see Matt help me grab the books.

Lucky everyone else is in class. I hate when people stare at me. "You almost gave me a heart attack." I laugh off the embarrassment as I gather the pages off the floor and putting them back in the wrong books. Great, I'll have it sort it all out again.

"Sorry, I just wanted to ask if you were okay. You seem a little...distracted lately." Matt says as he looks directly into my eyes. "Uh yeah, I guess I am." I reply.

Matt lightly places his hand on my shoulder. "If you ever want to talk, I'm here."

"Thanks, that's really nice of you." I smile, before looking down at my books. Suddenly I feel a bit of my hair being wrapped behind my ear. I look up and see Matt looking at me curiously, before crashing his lips into mine. Do I stop it?

It's nice...I guess. His lips are soft and firm, but I don't like Matt this way. It seems wrong.

Before I could stop it myself, Matt quickly pulls away before apologizing. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't thinking. I-I'm sorry." He says before stumbling away down the hall.

Okay then. What the hell was that all about? And why did he kiss me?

Shaking the whole Matt kissing me off, I reluctantly walk to chemistry. Oh how I love listening to Mr. Harris's irritating voice.

I make my graceful entrance of tripping over the door stop thing as I walk into my favorite chemistry class. Oh my god, seriously, what is with my clumsiness lately. I'm thankful no one saw me trip. Thank god Harris isn't in the class yet, otherwise he would've made me look stupid in front of everyone. Making my way to my table, I am glad no one has sat next to me.

I pull out my chemistry book, along with my unorganized notes and place them on my table. Great, I probably have all the wrong notes for this lesson. I felt a light tap against my arm as someone sat next to me, but I don't bother to look who it is.

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