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example: I'm Mary-Sue, and both of my parents are dead. Please feel sorry for me!

if you're going to use the 'orphan' cliché just to try to make us feel sorry for the MC, then there's no point. if the MC is an orphan then I want it to be beneficial to the plot in some way - it should add to the story, instead of just being a device to build up sympathy for the MC.

why not give us another reason to feel sorry for Mary-Sue?

some reasons:
- they could be having a tough time balancing their school work and a hobby they take really seriously? [stfu I don't mean hsm]
- maybe one of their grandparents is suffering from a disease?
- they might have a pushy mother?
- maybe their family has financial issues?

I honestly don't care, but PLEASE try and make it something realistic and more relatable? Little miss "ooh-im-orphaned-please-relate-to-me-and-feel-sympathetic" is getting NO sympathy from me.

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