ding, dong!

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Example: oml who would have believed that I would end UP GETTING MARRIED to BAD BOY ANATOLE KURAGIN?!!11!!!1! NOT ME! But here I am, WARKING DOWN DE FOKKING ISLE!!!1!!11

So, little miss Mary Sue ends up with the bad boy/forbidden lover/nonce of her dreams, and it's wedding bells for her. Or at least an engagement.

Authors (from my many years of experience and researched study) like to use this to end their books. God knows why. Maybe it's supposed to leave you craving the vampire sex, near death experience/s [no quantity specified], demon baby, weird nomad vampire-ridden sequel.

Who wouldn't want a fabulous book like that?

Most sensible-minded readers, actually. Can't you make your book have less of a boring ending? Give it a major fucking twist that no-one saw coming (don't bring it out of nowhere though, that's for another chapter).

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