long hair

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example: Mary-Sue tied her long, rapunzel-length, 70-foot hair into a messy bun.

jesus christ. do I really have to break it down for you?

I am a girl. I had long hair. I had a sudden mental breakdown and cut it all off one night. it was so short I couldn't tie it into a pony tail, but guess what? I was still a girl...

the MC does not need long hair to be "NoT LiKe OtHeR GiRLs" or to like pink and be pretty and whatever... get it together wattpad, because shocking as it may seem, other hair lengths do exist!

also, not everyone has straight hair. where is the curly hair? where is the wavy hair? Nowhere really, except in the sort of fics where diversity is thrust down your throat like that vine with the star wars mask. You know the one.

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