I'm not like other girls

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example: all the other girls wore makeup. I didn't - I was too ugly to care, lol. Anyway, I began humming 'Bad Guy' by Billie Eilish - sorry, I'm just so random :P! I'm not like other girls, I'm so quirky, trendy and casserole!

I won't expect you to get the "casserole" bit. It's an inside joke between my friends and a boy.

Ugh. These girls piss me off so much - no girl is like other girls! Because we're all unique... You know, the principle they teach us in primary 2?

Dear "not like other girls"
-you are not quirky because you listen to Billie Eilish. Anyone can listen to a song.
-not wearing makeup does not make you anything. Neither does wearing makeup. Let people do what they want with their faces without judging them.

jesus, that triggered me. peace out my dudes.

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