Chapter 3

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Julia's POV

The end of week three rolled around and I still haven't been able to get a full nights sleep, not even with medicine. I slept best when I was with the twins, but even when I was still in their house I couldn't sleep. I run off of tea, coffee, and work. The twins still haven't made attempts to reach out to me, so I guess this is the end of it all. My days seemed to start bleeding into each other, and the time was passing at an odd rate. Deadlines were coming up for school, so that was an added stressor. Something I didn't need right now. I guess I am like the twins when it comes to throwing myself into work when I have emotions and situations that I should be dealing with. It's something I can control. Sighing, I entered the house after my shift. I worked all day, it's Friday. When I went into the kitchen, I stopped abruptly. I set my things on the counter and started to unpack my lunchbox while Alex and Butterfingers looked nervous.

"There's a party tomorrow. You should go to it." Alex said as gently as possible. "Before you answer, it's for-"

"Nonna's birthday. I know." The two of them stared at me in shock. "I just want to go to bed. I appreciate you guys, truly." They stared at me as I walked out of the kitchen and made my way to my room. I tossed and turned all night, another night without sleep. I could hear Alex and Butterfingers getting up to get ready. Sighing, I got out of bed and reluctantly got ready too. When I came down the stairs, Alex hit Butterfingers' arm. Both looked up at me in shock.

"Hi. Let's go before I change my mind." Both nodded and seemed to grab stuff quickly. I followed them to Mrs.Ward's house. The grounds were busy with activity, cars were parked all over the lot. We parked in an area where we could get out easily if we had to, it's good because I might need to. When we entered the house, it was full of activity and noise. I was able to go unnoticed until I stepped outside onto the back patio where all the activity was, well, almost all of the activity. Mrs.Ward came over and hugged me.

"You missed the cake and the singing. But, I'm glad you came, Nonna will be happy you're here." She patted my face before leaving me alone. I felt out of place at this point, so many people were staring at me. I guess word got out...

Grabbing a beer, I took a seat on the steps of the porch as I watched Noah 'play' with the dogs. I was able to tune the noise out and focus on Noah. He was such a happy kid, he had no thought in the world about anything. He was focused on tossing a ball so the dogs would run and he could laugh. Riki and Noah's father were happy together, they cared about each other. She's an amazing mother to Noah. She gives him all the love a kid could ask for, plus more. She cares about why he's upset, or if he's hurt. He'll grow up to be a great man and she'll be the one to thank. 

"Julia?" A smile graced my face as I stood up to greet the birthday girl. She had nothing but a smile that met her eyes as she hugged me. 

"Happy birthday." She and I stood there hugging for what seemed like seconds, but I knew it was minutes.

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