Day 1: In a Vehicle - Roger

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"God, Brian, can you please just pull over?"

"Roger, for the millionth time, there's nowhere to pull over. There's nowhere to stop, either. You'll just have to wait."

But Roger couldn't wait. He'd waited so long, and he just wanted to stop the car so he could go on the side of the road, but apparently, he couldn't do that, either.

For the next few hours, he tried to hold it, but his bladder was failing him. He kept waiting to hear some kind of timer in his head telling him how much longer he could really hold it. Not long enough.

"Roger, we'll be at the next exit in a few miles," Brian's voice cut through the silence.

"Okay." That was close. He could wait that long. But then the car halted to a stop. "Bri? What was that?"

"Holy shit!" Roger looked out of the window, and he saw it, too. A giant piece of concrete had fallen from the bridge almost above them, and they were lucky nobody was behind them. Brian put his flashers on.

"Brian? How long are we gonna be here?"

He heard the guitarist sigh. "We'll be here as long as it takes for them to move this out of the road. We can't drive over it." Roger almost started crying then. He didn't want to wait any longer.

"I don't think I can wait that long," the blond mumbled, grabbing Brian's attention.

"Look, Roger, if you want you can get out really quick and go on the side of the side of the road. Nobody's here to see you." Just at that moment, they saw lights and turned around. Another car had pulled behind them.

"Now there is." A few moments later, a man appeared outside Brian's window.

"What's going on? What happened to the bridge?"

"I don't know. It just fell right before I got here."

"Ah. Looks like we'll be here a while then."

"Yeah." As Brian and the other man made conversation, Roger focused his attention on not pissing himself in the passenger seat of Brian's van, but he wasn't doing a great job. He tapped Brian on the shoulder when he felt some leak out.

"B-Bri?" The guitarist turned around, and the man outside the window looked at Roger, as well.

"You alright, love?"

Roger nodded and whispered in Brian's ear, "I think I'm about to pee myself." Brian frowned.

"It's alright, Rog. We can clean it up later. Just feel better, alright?" That's when he just let go. Urine flooded into his pants, and he felt absolutely humiliated. Brian and the man watched as he relaxed completely and as he cried afterwards.

"Er, I have some clothes in my car if you want to change, lad." Roger looked up at him.

"Are you sure?"

"Well, we don't know how long we'll be here, and you don't want to be uncomfortable the entire time, do you?" Roger shook his head, and the man smiled and wet off to get him clothes.

"That was nice."

"That was humiliating." Brian gave him a soft smile.

"At least you feel better."

Queen Omovember (But In May)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora