Day 5: In a Sexy Outfit - Freddie

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Freddie stood from the couch they were all sitting on, intent on going to the bathroom. His bladder had been so full for so long, and he didn't think he could wait much longer.

But as soon as he had stood up, somebody had walked up to them and started talking about the video. He didn't listen, only hoped internally that the person didn't take too long.

They did. And by the time they walked away, Freddie was on the brink of flooding the tiny thong he had on. He stood up, but immediately regretted his decision. He doubled over at the pain he felt, causing all of his friends to get up, as well.

"Freddie?" Brian said, voice urgent. "Are you alright?" When the singer said nothing back and crossed his legs, holding himself, Roger caught on.

"Fred, come on. You're going to the bathroom with me." That's when Brian's eyes went wide.

"You have to go that bad? Why didn't you just go earlier?" Freddie still didn't answer. Instead he just groaned.

"My, god, Fred. You can't just put off going to the fucking toilet!" This brought tears to the singer's eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"No. Don't be sorry. Just go to the bathroom."

"I can't."

"I'll show you where it is. Come on."

"No, Bri! I can't! I cant fucking move without pissing myself!" The silence that followed was deafening. None of them said a thug until John Reid walked up.

"Fred?" Everything alright?" No reply. "I heard you... a few seconds ago."

"I'm fine," he replied, obviously embarrassed. He could start to feel warm liquid running down his thighs. "Dammit."

"Freddie, come on. Can you at least try to get there?"

"Rog, I-I really can't."

"Well, what are you going to do?" Brian asked. "I mean, you can't just... go."

"I am." The two words made the four people there look down at his legs. There was, in fact, piss dripping down from the skirt and starting to pool on the floor. "Shit." As he let go completely, Brian looked up to his face, feeling awful for the poor singer. "Holy shit. I-I didn't mean to... I'm sorry."

Brian hesitantly places a hand on Freddie's shoulder. "Not your fault. Let's get you to the bathroom, yeah?" Roger and Deacy were in too much shock to notice that John had gone to talk with the costume department and Brian was taking Freddie to the bathroom. They only stared at the big puddle Freddie had left o the floor.

"What the hell?"

"Just... let's not say anything about it. I'm gonna ... clean up." The two of them took care of the floor. 

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