Day 4: With a Friend - Brian

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"Brian, why are you acting so strange?" Brian huffed, his mood awfully bad because of how full his bladder was and how uncomfortable it made him. He'd looked around the store for a bathroom to relieve himself, but there were none. "Brian? Are you hearing me?"

"God, yes. I can hear you. I just really have to pee." John giggled.

"Why don't you just go, then? There's probably a bathroom up at the front."

"I checked." The guitarist groaned. John stopped laughing.

"O. Well, I've just got one thing left to get, and we can head home." Brian nodded and followed John to another aisle. He could feel the liquid inside him every time he took a step, and he wanted nothing more than to let it out. He was trying so hard not to.

"How long do you think this is gonna take?" he asked, his tone a bit rude, but John understood why.

"Not much longer. Sorry."

After a few minutes, they were finally walking back to the car. Brian had to stop before they got to the car, and that's what had John worried. He didn't know his friend had to go so bad.

"Hey, Brian, let's just get home as soon as possible, okay?" He didn't reply but managed to make it to the car.

On the way home, John went the quickest way possible and kept an eye on Brian. Brian held himself, much too desperate to care about embarrassment.

"Bri, tell me if you need to stop soon, okay?"

"I'll manage." His voice was strained.

"I really don't mind. Here. I'll stop at this station." The car pulled into the parking lot, and Brian immediately felt incredibly ashamed. He couldn't even wait until they got home to go to the bathroom.

"I'm really sorry."

"You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. When you have to go, you have to go." Brian blushed. "Come on, then."

As they walked into the petrol station, Brian tried not to embarrass himself further. He rushed to the bathroom as soon as they were in the store. John waited awkwardly outside, wanting to give his friend some privacy.

But after ten minutes, he was starting to get worried. There was no way Brian was taking that long to go to the bathroom. He decided that it couldn't hurt to check on him.

As he pushed the door to the bathroom open, he heard sobs. That wasn't good at all.

"Brian?" Brian looked up from his soaked pants, tears filling hs eyes. "Oh, Brian, it's alright."

"I'm sorry. This is so embarrassing."

"No, Bri. Don't be embarrassed. It happens. Truly. I would never think any less of you for something like this." Brian covered his face.

"Please don't tell anybody about this."

"Of course I won't." John hugged Brian. "Don't worry about this, okay?" Brian nodded. "Alright. Let's get you home and dressed."

"Thank you," Brian said, but it was for more than John not telling the others.

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