Chapter 6

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Marie slowly sat up and stretched, she looked at Y/N's sleeping form next to her and smiled at him before getting out of bed. She slipped a nightshirt on and stepped out.

Callie was sitting on the couch with a book in her hands

Callie: Good morning Marie.

Marie: Morning.

Callie: I didn't see you at the party.

Marie: I wasn't feeling up to it.

Callie: Yeah, i heard about what happend. Sorry.

Marie: Nah, it's okay. Y/N came over and we talked, i felt a lot better after.

Callie: You did a bit more than talk.

Marie blushed.

Marie: How do you know?

Callie: When i came in, i noticed his clothes on the floor. Then i saw him in your bed, and i put two and two together. It wasn't that hard to figure out.

Callie: So, is this a regular thing now? Are you two gonna start going out?

Marie: I dunno. I didn't really think of that.

Callie: Do you think he wants to?

Marie: That's a good question, should i ask him?

Callie: I'm not the one in a potential relationship, Marie. It's your decision.

Marie grabbed a crabby cake from the cupboard and munched on it thoughtfully. She began to weigh the pros and cons of getting into a serious relationship with Y/N.

On the one hand, they already knew each other pretty well. It wasn't like a blind date or anything. They already got along pretty well, and it could only improve from there. On the other hand, if it didn't work out, she might end up losing her best friend. She grimaced at the thought.

She thought about her options for a while. She decided that it all came  down to one question: did she see a future relationship with him?

As Marie was pondering this, Y/N stumbled out of the bedroom, he had put his clothes back on, thank goodness. She didn't want Callie to get too close of a look.

He placed one arm around Marie's shoulders and playfully kisser her ear.

Y/N: Morning.

Marie: Good morning, how'd you sleep?

Y/N: Great, the bed was nice and warm.

Marie: Hey Callie? Can we have a minute?

Callie wordlessly got up, closed her book and walked to her room, shutting the door beheind her.

Y/N looked at Marie

Y/N: What's up?

Marie was suddenly very conscious of the fact that she was only wearing a nightshirt. She blushed.

Marie: Did you have fun last night?

Y/N: Yeah, of course. You were fantastic.

Marie: That's good...

Y/N: Why do you ask? What's wrong?

Marie: I was... I was wondering... if ... uh...

Marie stammered. Ugh, this was pathetic.

Y/N: Are you okay Marie?

Marie: Y-yeah, i'm fine, Y/N, i was wondering if ... um ... M-maybe you'd like to ... keep going?

Y/N: What, like friends with benefits? I didn't really think you'd be the type, Marie.

Marie: N-no, that's not what i meant.

She said blushing crimon red.

Marie: Like ... do you wanna ... maybe ... have dinner with me tonight?

Y/N: Are you asking me out?

Marie: Y-yes.

She suddenly became flustered.

Marie: I-i'm not trying to force you or anything! It's okay if you don't want to! Really!

Y/N came very close to laughing, he grabbed her shoulders.

Y/N: Marie, listen to me, okay? You don't need to be so embarrassed, especially after what happend last night.

Marie: S-sorry, i just got kind of ...

Y/N: Nervous? Do you wanna try asking again?

Marie: Sure.

She took a deep breath and looked into his eyes.

Marie: Would you like to go out with me?

Y/N smiled.

Y/N: Of course i would.

Marie's face split into a huge grin, and she hugged him tightly.

When she let him go, Y/N scratched the back of his head.

Y/N: You know, i uh ... I wasn't sure when to tell you this, but i guess now is a good time. I've got a huge crush on you. I have for a while actually, and i was terrified that i'd never really be able to tell you an-

Marie cut him off with a kiss. When they broke apart, he grinned

Y/N: Well, okay then.

They smiled at each other for a moment before a thought struck Y/N.

Y/N: You know what? Screw dinner. Let's go out right now!

Welp, after a really long time. Here is another chapter.

760 words

Marie X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now