Chapter 1 : We Only See Each Other At Weddings And Funerals

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wc: 3329
cc: 17952
Jessica's POV

I sit up with a large sting on my face and gasp. I see Five squatting in front of me. "Don't slap me again!" I scoff, lightly pushing his shoulder.

"That wasn't me," He says, purely sarcastic.

"We're 58 and work for The Commission, when can we go home." I cry, cupping my cheek because the sting lingers there. I look towards Delores and roll my eyes.

"We can go home today, Jessica." He says, grabbing Vanya's autobiography and opening it.

"But we need to go to that one place the Commission wants us to go." He continues. This book was where he kept his equations to go back to 2019. I glance back at the red book with the letters 'RH' on it and leave it behind.

"...Dallas Love Field, the Dallas-Fort Worth area broadcasters bring you to a special description of the arrival of President John Kennedy." I hear, coming out of my daydreaming state.

We both hold guns and I stop listening to whatever they are saying once again. I drop my gun and roll my eyes. "We need to go home- now!" I order. I wasn't usually the one to give orders so Five sets his gun down.

"Okay, jeez." He says, pulling out the book again and flipping through the pages. He drops the book. "Hold on." He sighs before holding his fists out and creating a blue portal.

A fire extinguisher jumps out at us and I knew it was working. I saw an image of them- my family- and I chuckle.

"Yes," I smile, looking at Five excitedly. The portal sucks us in and with a quick zap, we fell onto the ground.

"Does anyone else see little Number Five and Number Eight, or is that just me?" Klaus asks in shock. The whole family was behind Luther and Diego but then they all huddle around us. We look down at our bodies.

"Shit." Five pants.

Number Five : "Five" Number Eight : "Eight"

"What's the date? The exact date?" Five asks, getting bread.

"The 24th," Vanya says.

"Of what?" Five asks, obviously irritated. I touch Five's arm, making the family think I'm trying to calm him down. But he knows what I'm doing. I'm mimicking his space jumping.

"March." She continues. I let out a big breath I didn't know I was keeping in.

"Good." He says, opening the bread bag.

"So, are we gonna talk about what just happened?" Luther asks. Five stays silent, laying two pieces of bread down on the chopping board.

"It's been 17 years, guys." Luther stands up.

I snort at Luther's attempt to intimidate us. "It's been a lot longer than that, big guy," I say, spatial jumping next to Five. Everybody jumps, shocked. Five chuckles and jumps through Luther to get marshmallows.

"I haven't missed that," Luther says, sitting down.

"Where'd you go?" Diego asks. He picks up the marshmallows and examines them.

"The future." Five pauses, jumping back to the chopping board.

"It's shit, by the way." I finish for him.

"Called it!" Klaus raises his pointer finger.

"I should have listened to the old man," Five sighs. "You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice." Five says, getting peanut butter and making a sandwich.

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