Chapter 4 : Man On The Moon

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wc: 1302 (i'm so disappointed that these chapters haven't been having a lot of words but... it'll do. but while i'm here, be prepared for a surprise :))
cc: 8169

"What is so funny, you asshole?" Is what wakes me up.

"Well, for one... you spent the last ten hours... beating me senseless, and... you've learned absolutely nothing. I mean, nobody tells me shit. The truth is, I'm the one person in that house nobody will even notice is gone. You asshole kidnapped the wrong guy!" He laughs even more. Hazel smacks him across the head. "Ow! I'm sorry, okay?"

"Please make him stop talking!" Hazel yells.

"Let's waterboard him." Cha-Cha says, holding a rag to Klaus' face. Uh oh.

"He's high." I state, bringing the attention to me.

"Look who's up!" Cha-Cha says. She leaves the rag there. "Continue with him." She orders. My eyes widen. That went to shit. I think. "Where's Five?" She asks.

"I ain't telling you shit." She punches me straight across the face, making my nose bleed. I forgot I bled easily. She gets in my face.

"I'm gonna ask you again. Where. Is. Number. Five?" I scoff and spit the blood in her face. She punches me in the face again.

"Agh!" I groan. They walk into the bathroom and start talking.

"I don't know, but it's driving me crazy. She won't shut up!" I hear Klaus yell.

"Klaus." He didn't hear me.

"Hey! Watch your mouth what did I say about eyes front?" Hazel yells back at Klaus. Cha-Cha starts going through Klaus' coat.

"What are you doing? That's my personal stuff." Klaus says, trying to make them stop.

"Oh. What do we have here?" Cha-Cha says.

"Let me see that." Hazel took the bag from Cha-Cha.

"Hey, no, no, no, no. Be- Be careful with that. It's my- It's my... asthma medication." Klaus stutters.

"Hey, yeah, now we're getting somewhere." Hazel says, throwing the pills on the ground.

"Hey... No, hey! Whoa! No, hey, hold on! We can have a conversation. We're adult." Klaus begs. Hazel drops more on the ground and starts stomping on them, crushing them into the carpet. "No! No! No, no, no! Stop! Stop! Please, listen." Klaus jumps in his chair. "I can get you cash. Amputee hookers, whatever. Hey, just, please, just listen. Just don't... no... please!" They open his chocolate and start eating it.

I furrow my eyebrows. Isn't that his special chocolate? Ha. "Mm, chocolate." Hazel says.

"Please..." Klaus begs.

"You want a piece?" He asks me before shoving it in my mouth and moving my jaw up and down so I chew it. I gag and spit it out on the carpet.

"Not until they're high as kites." I hear Klaus say.

"You bitch." Hazel points at me. He continues eating the chocolate. He hands the pack to Cha-Cha and punches me in the gut. I cough, blood coming out and landing on the carpet. He rolls his eyes and turns his attention to Klaus. "This could be all yours for the low, low price of telling us everything." She waves it in front of Klaus' face. My blood drips down to my mouth and I scream. Hazel punches me in the face.



Three times.

I pass out on the fourth punch.

"Well, Number Five knows now. We left him a message. And when he comes for you and your sister, we'll be ready." I wake up in the closet. I let out a groan through the tape, indicating that I'm awake. I hear the footsteps come closer. They open the doors to reveal my bloody and bruised self. Cha-Cha sighs. "She's not as good as Number Five, so-" I kick her in the knee. "Ow! Close the doors!" She orders.

I'm back in the darkness.

"Hi! What's your name?" I hear Klaus say. "Oh! That's a lovely name. And can you tell me what happened?"

"What happened is if you don't shut up. I'mma cut your tongue out with a grapefruit spoon." Cha-Cha snarks.

"Zoya Popova." Klaus says. "Old Russian broad, short, with a limp. Oh, she's really pissed at you guys." Klaus chuckles.

"Just shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up. Everybody just please... please shut up. Jesus, you guys are worse than the drugs." Klaus groans. I internally groan with him. I want to be let out of here! The doors shove open with a red smoke following the handles. My eyes widen. I had forgotten I had powers. Cha-Cha looks at me and sits on the bed in front of the closet.

"Swiss Alps, huh?" I untie myself sneakily. "Which one are you? Cha-Cha or Hazel?" Klaus asks.


"Jan Mueller. Remember him? Swiss Alps. Him and his wife were coming back from a ski trip."

Cha-Cha looks at him. "I remember. Forward. Reverse!" She says. Klaus chuckles.

"Yeah, that's it! Yeah! And his wife... escaped down an alleyway. He says to say, thank you."

Cha-Cha furrows her eyebrows. "What's he talking about?" She asks.

"I don't know." Hazel responds.

"He was so grateful to you, Hazel, for having spared his wife. You know, there might be hope for him yet. Don't you think?" I hold back a smile.

"Bathroom, now!" Cha-Cha raises her voice.

"Hope you don't get a spanking, Hazel!" I yell when I get the tape off.

"How did she-"

"Whatever, Hazel! Get back in here!"

"Jan says you're a real mensch, Hazel! He said you were such a great-" Cha-Cha puts tape over Klaus' mouth, as well as mine.

I slowly stand up after a few minutes. Klaus' eyes widen. I take the tape off my mouth. "Shh." I whisper. I engulf him into a big hug. "I actually love you so much, big brother." I mumble into his neck. The sound of heels clicking were getting louder.

"Let me find something, Klaus."

The sound of banging being repeated finally catches my attention. The door opened quietly. I look and Klaus' head was bloody and a cop came in with a gun. I smile, excited. "Are you Diego's brother?" Klaus nods. It falters when I realize who she is. "Who are you?" She asks. I roll my eyes.

"She's our sister." He leans in closer. "She's in love with Five and Diego, but don't tell her I told you." He whispers.

I go behind his chair. "I heard that, Klaus." I untie him.

"I'm Detective Patch." She says.

"Oh, please. I know." I mumble. A gunshot rang through the house.

"Police! Drop the gun or you're going down! Hands behind your head, asshole." She says, not moving an inch. Klaus escapes through the vent. My eyes got big. I push Patch out the way, grabbing her gun and two shots were fired. I fall onto the ground.

My sight was fading and my ears were ringing. I lift my head and smile weakly.

Cha-Cha had shot me in the stomach but I had shot her in the chest.

"I need to go. I have to leave you, I don't have time-" I cut her off.

"You knocked out Hazel? Just go." I sigh and watch as she leaves and I pass out for the third time that day.

3rd Person POV

Diego runs into the room. "Patch?" He calls, then looks down. "Jess!" He gasps. He holds his pointer and middle finger against her neck, checking her pulse that was thready. "No, I should've stopped you." He chokes slightly. He picks her up and runs back to his place, where her love was.

Life. Is. The. Craziest. Thing. A. Girl. Will. Go. Through.

A/N: tell me about the craziest thing that's ever happened to you

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