Chapter 10 : The White Violin

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(i'm also going to make a separate book for sn. 2 if u want it)
wc: 2129
cc: 19496

Our pinkies let go of each other and Vanya stares into my eyes. Deep into my soul.

Mind control. How the fuck is this bitch-

I lose control of my body as we walk together, into the elevator, ascending.




We walk from room to room, when we leave, we explode the room.

When we get to the living room, I share the memory with Vanya.

"Dad. You forgot us." Young Vanya says, trying to catch the attention of our adoptive dad.

"I did not." He states, no emotion in his voice. No sympathy, sympathy for leaving us out. "No smiles, eyes ahead. Quickly now." Young me looks down at her tattoo. Dad just so much let me have it.

"Dad!" Young Vanya repeats, three times. Louder every time.

"No talking!" He announces once again. "Stand still." He ignores us.

Pogo interrupts her. "Miss Vanya. Number Eight. That's quite enough! Misses... I understand how upset you two are. And I can assure you... that none of your siblings bear any responsibility for what happened to you like children."

"Did you know?" We ask in unison. My lips move as Vanya's does.

"Your father discovered that you two were capable of great things. Much like your brothers and sister. But your powers were... too great. He only wanted to protect you from yourselves. As well as your siblings." Pogo says, slightly looking up.

"Did... you... know..?" We ask again, more slowly than the last.

"Yes, misses. I knew. Eight... I also knew that you were not officially adopted by Sir Hargreeves. Which is why he let you get a tattoo but he had to keep you a secret."

The building rumbles again. Vanya throws Pogo across the room and onto the deer decoration. Stabbing him with both antlers. He hangs from the ceiling and I stand there, not able to move, just watching him as the breath leaves his body, so as his life. We walk out and the Academy crumbles as we do.

We stop in front of the remaining pieces of our home and stare at them. She snaps in front of my face and I finally have control over my body.

I gasp, the gasp I've been holding in since we exploded our cage type prison.

Luther runs up to me. Grabs me by the collar. "Why? Why did you do it?" He yells in my face.

"I- I didn't mean to." I choke out but was cut off by him.

"You didn't mean shit, Eight!" He throws me across the ruins, and I have enough time to form a force field around myself and keep me from fatally hitting the ground.

I roll on my side as my force field wears off. And to think I wanted to amend my relationship with him. "You cut Allison's throat 'by accident'." He uses his fingers as air quotations.

"I didn't-"

"Now you kill Pogo? What? Was it 'by accident' too?" He screams.

"Mom, now Pogo." Diego sighs.

"Mom? No. Guys, Vanya took control over my mind." I whine, rubbing my arm.

"Guys, this is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today." Five holds a rolled newspaper in his hand, taking the attention away from me.

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