Chapter 15

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"Almost there, Etienne." Artis helped him up from their resting place. They were almost in Riften after almost a day's walk. Etienne was recovering quickly, but his stamina took a major hit while he was held hostage in the Embassy, meaning they had to rest every few hours.

"My apologies for slowing you down." He sighed as they walked on, "I know you don't like Riften and the long journey isn't helping to lift the spirits at all."

Artis shook her head, "Etienne, it is nothing. You're still recovering and need rest. If Riverwood had a cart we could use, I would've paid for a ride to Riften to save your energy. We'll get there sooner or later."

Lydia threw the bags over her shoulders, a task she took upon herself for the long journey. She carried both her, Artis' and Etienne's luggage, which were everything but lightweight. Artis tried convincing her to let her at least carry her own bag, but Lydia was having nothing of it. Luckily, they didn't face too many serious threats on the way, only the usual wolves, a bear and a lost spriggan, which were common in the Rift. Etienne sat all three fights out but helped with other tasks like preparing food every time they stopped to rest. The fights, however, gave Artis an opportunity to test out the new spells she created from the ones she had. The result of one of the destruction spells was a wave of flaming power that sliced her opponents in half. It was quite powerful, and she decided on naming it her Fire Slasher.

It was around sunset that they reached Riften. They chose to enter at the back of the town where the stables were, so that Artis could scan the horses there. She was very picky when it came to hooved companions. She missed Bandit and felt like she would cheat on her if she replaced her with another horse. But she needed a new steed to speed up her travels, though. However, the light colored, almost white horses outside at the Riften stables caught her eye and Artis found herself scratching one behind the ear.

"Hey, boy." She smiled as the horse nudged her hand, "Aren't you a beauty."

"Some of the best horses in Skyrim, they are." The stable worker spoke behind her, "They're all between eight and ten years old. Perfect riding age."

She turned to face him, "I might just consider it. But I have a few matters to take care of first."

The man nodded, saying that he'll keep the horse she took an interest in, on the side. The three travelers neared the gates, where two guards were positioned.

"Halt!" one ordered, "Everyone who wishes to enter Riften should pay a tax-"

"Tax?" Artis interrupted him, "I didn't have to pay a tax the last time I came here. This is obviously a shakedown!"

Both guards panicked when they were found out and the first one held his hands up in defense, "Oh, no, it's all in order, ma'am. You may enter, just please keep your voice down."

"That's what I thought." She muttered and pushed past them, Lydia and Etienne short on her heels.

Riften hasn't changed at all since the last time she's been here. It was still quiet and tranquil, people roamed the streets lazily and everything smelled like lake water and mead – due to the Black Briar Meadery being near. There weren't many people on the decks, except the Nord Artis recognized as Mjoll and her follower, as well as a woman with light brown leather armor arguing with another man and a dark figure leaning against one of the buildings. Wanting to avoid all of them, Artis silently signaled her followers to take a back road. However, the dark figure already took notice to them and pushed away from the wall, stalking closer. As he approached, Artis placed herself in front of Lydia and Etienne, already relying on her talking and bargaining skills to talk them out of this possible danger.

Just when she thought that it was a guard who recognized her, a familiar voice sounded, "Hey, it's you!"


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