bonus chapter {2}

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"jeonsan, stay here." tzuyu warned, rushing off to the playground area of the park where her daughter was, who had jusr fallen off the swing and was now bawling her eyes out.

jeonsan sat on the park bench, swinging his short legs back and forth, looking adorable as always.

woah.. what if i could fly? like iron man! hm.. or maybe, i could be strong like hulk! but i really want to be captain america though-

the child's daydreams were cut off by a sudden movement at the corner of his eye. his eyes stopped at a particular lone tree.

curious, he got off the bench and started to walk towards the tree. he knew he was not listening to his mother's orders, but he never listened to her anyways.

circling the tree, jeonsan found nothing but leaves. he could've sworn he saw something. out of the blue, a man dressed in all white came up from behind the tree, scaring the six-year-old.

"wah!" his little feet made him stumble onto the ground, alarming the older male.

"careful, little one." the man only smiled, offering a hand to which the child politely refused, getting up himself. "you aren't quite the talker, aren't you?"

"mama said i shouldn't talk to strangers." sannie fumbled a little, looking up at the friendly stranger.

"well, you can call me mister bunny, sannie." his slightly illuminating figure sat on the ground with his legs crossed, trying to put a block of trust between the both of them.

bewildered, the little boy gasped, "how do you know my name, mister bunny?"

'mister bunny' hesitated a little, trying to figure out a way to bring on the news to the child carefully, "well.. i'm your guardian angel, sweetheart. the heavens assigned me to take care of you and make sure you're safe. so when you wander off without your mama, i'll be here."

"mama said guardian angels have wings, mister bunny. where are your wings?" he was curious, and it made the angel chuckle. he was truly like her.

as if out of thin air, his wings sprouted out from his back, flapping them gently after they were fully formed, "believe me now, sannie?"

his stubby fingers reached out to touch the feathers, patting them gently, "ooh! ooh! i have a guardian angel!" he rushed into the angel's arms, hugging him tightly.

'mister bunny' or should i say, jungkook, on the other hand, was shocked at jeonsan's sudden act of affection, but he soon melted into the toddler's arms and hugged him back.

after they pulled away from each other, sannie curiously looked up at jungkook, playing with his drastically bigger hands, "bunny hyungie, what is it like in heaven? is it as nice as the stories tell?"

kookie could only give a soft nod and a reassuring smile, bringing his free hand up to pat his head, "it's wonderful there. paradise. but you wouldn't want to be up there too early, alright? or else your mama's going to be so sad."

"now go on. your mama's probably looking for you, sannie. you need to go home."

"how about you, hyungie? can't you come with me?" sannie pleaded, tugging on his white garments, "sannie's all alone. mama's too busy with hani."

"i'm always there with you, jeonsanie-ya. i just don't appear like this so often. why don't i go with you to your mama, hm?"

"okay, hyung!"

[ unedited . ]

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