A Devils Pray Pt. 1

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Josie and Penelope stood in silence. The girl with black hair was frightened to lose the one she loves so she just stood there frozen not knowing what to say at all.

Josie: Hello? Are you gonna tell me what this huge secret? before I go to Nadia and ask her myself.

Penelope: I'm scared to tell you...

Josie: Why Penelope? Why are you so scared?

Penelope: Because that secret holds the key to my eternal hell and if it unleashed my dad will kill me.
Josie: I thought both your parents were dead? So now your lying?

Penelope: How do you know about my parents?

Josie: It's on your damn files Penelope! Now tell me what the hell is going on?

Penelope: My father Christopher Park is a warlock but he's the strongest warlock ever imagined it's a difficult task to kill him. My mother Anne Park is a heretic, me and my sister are twins we were born mistakenly they thought since my mom was half dead she wouldn't be able to have kids but just like Hope Mikaelson-

Josie: Her witch side is part human which created you and your sister so she was able to have kids because your dad had the produce and he was fully human and that makes miracle babies!

Penelope: Exactly... My dad I don't care about at all because he beat me almost to death but basically yeah that's it.

Josie: That's not the secret is it?

Penelope: It is I swear.

Josie: I'm sorry but I don't believe you... I have to get some fresh air bye Penelope.

Penelope stood in what it felt like a empty room all alone. Feeling as if her world had finally collapsed, every memory with her and Josie circling back to her brain it was painful looking back at them knowing she took the love of her life's memories that were special and she didn't want her to remember because when she does all that love will turn into hate.

Nadia walked back to the Salvatore School with Lizzie after they were done with Rafael, they walked in a hurry so they wouldn't be caught they heard footsteps so they started bolting to the school but what stood in front of them was the one and only Hope Mikaelson.

Hope: What the hell are you guys doing?!

Both Girls: Nothing!

Hope: What are you guys doing in the woods at almost 5 o'clock in the morning!

Nadia: Well the better question is what are you doing here at 5 o'clock in the morning??

Lizzie: Yeah what Nadia said.

Hope: Well dumbasses I heard someone screaming so do you guys want to tell me why you guys are here?

Nadia: Well we were here because we were k-

Lizzie: Having sex! Having amazing sex under the stars!

Nadia: Uhhh- I don't know how else to
explain it but yeah that's what we were doing.

Hope: Oh explains why I heard screaming...

Lizzie: Yeah... Sorry Hope for waking you up good morning basically.

Hope: Good morning girls... Umm bye now *walks away*

Nadia: So you think my sex is amazing? *smirks*

Lizzie: Don't get any ideas Satan *rolls eyes*

Nadia: I'll take that as a "yes"

Lizzie: No take that as a "I'm gonna shove my foot so far up your ass if you don't shut the hell up."

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