The Devils Pray Pt.2

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Nadia: Hey sister! Why are you making out with this girl? I thought you were with Josie?

Brooke: Hey Nadia

Nadia: I'm sorry do I know you?

Brooke: No I guess not... I'm Casey *shakes hands with Nadia*

Nadia: Well nice to meet you Casey! Hey Penelope *goes in for a hug*

Penelope: You smell like cigarettes and liquor Nads have you been drinking a lot again?

Nadia: No! Of course not *slurs* it's a party Peez were suppose to get drunk and have fun come on go! It's your 17 for Christ sakes *winks* alright I'm gonna go hang out with Lizzie.

Penelope stood their with Brooke both girls were confused, the last time she saw Nadia like that is when her big breakup happened.

Brooke: Hey don't worry about her. How about we go to the lake like how we use to when we were kids!

Penelope: *Smirks* lead the way ma'am

Josie was talking to Hope when she spotted Brooke and Penelope leaving. She was so focused on them she didn't even know what Hope was trying to say to her. After Hope was done talking she excused herself so she can go spy on them or at least see where they were trying to go.

Josie: Excuse me, Hope I'll be right back in a moment just have to go check on something.

Hope: Alright I'll be by Lizzie.

Josie quickly ran out the door to find them she focused on the dark places since it was already 8:46 PM. She spotted them walking towards the lake and that's when she ran for it but she stopped once they were close to sitting on the dock.

She wanted to spy on them to see how far they would go or what would they do or at least talk about she needed something. She was still curious about that secret Nadia was talking about yesterday. The two girls sat down and looked up at the sky admiring the beauty of it.

Brooke: Beautiful view isn't it? Remember how this use to be me and yours safe spot?

Penelope chuckles when she remembers all her childhood memories from the chaos Nadia, Penelope, and Brooke would cause or how they would sneak out late nights.

Penelope: Yeah and we would lay down and stare up at the sky all night sometimes even til the sun came up. Still disappointed at the fact we never brought Nadia when we would go over here.

Brooke: I mean it was right near your house Nadia knew we would go over here and the first time we asked her what happened?

Penelope: She got mad when we splashed a little bit of water on her.

Both of the girls laughed together

Brooke: I mean you know Nadia has always been the stubborn one but you know both of you guys came from humble roots and rough parents... But somehow you still came out as the good sister.

Penelope: I wouldn't say I'm the good sister. I've done pretty messed up things like, lie to my girlfriend, almost killed Mackenzie, slept with... You when you were with Nadia. How am I any good from Nadia?

Brooke: Because you cared for me and others in a way Nadia could never Mackenzie was your first love you almost killed her because you were trying to protect her but she's okay and alive still... Baby.

Brooke leans into Penelope and kisses her soft lips. Josie stares at the sight of the two girls kissing and instantly tears run down from her eyes and fall down to her cheek, she walks away because she's in pain to see anymore.

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