Smells Like Teenage Spirit

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Penelope's POV
A few moments of silence cleared the room. I was sweating it had looked like I had ran a marathon, I waited patiently for her to say something. She cleared her throat and then finally spoke to me.

"Please follow me to my office Miss Penelope."

She walked me to her office and demanded me to sit down. She then locked the door I was definitely scared shitless.

"Is this some messed up prank you kids are trying to pull again? I am sick and tired of it please stop."

"Wait kids prank you for what happened to you? Those sick bastards. Look I understand if you don't believe me because what people put you through but I am your daughter."

A single teardrop fell from her cheek, soon turning into a stream of tears. I didn't know how to react to her crying all I did was hold her in my arms and for some weird reason I felt more safe in her arms more than anything. I soon started to cry knowing I was robbed of a stable childhood from someone who was evil and selfish. I tried hiding the fact that I was crying too and kept my head down but she lifted my chin up and smiled at me.

"You remind me of your biological father. I've only known you a couple of minutes and you remind me just like him. Tough but also sweet and kind Penelope I tried looking for you for so long and now you've found me."

My eyes began to water "For my whole life I have endured pain and torture when I could've been with you and dad. I thought I had a sister, her names Nadia I really did love her but in the end she didn't."

Just remembering what happened when I found out about Nadia, Kai, and Katherine's plan to kill me just for sport made me breakdown. I felt hopeless and thinking I was just a little experiment for them, and then I remember the trip to Belgium Mackenzie was talking about I had an idea.

"I'm not safe in Mystic Falls... Mom, as long as I'm here there's gonna be people after me. So I have to move to Belgium tonight because I know a couple people there and I don't know... I know it's stupid because we just met but I was wondering if you wanted to-

My mom cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

"Penelope your my daughter that I've been searching for since you were taken from me... So if Belgium safe for you, yes I will go."

I asked her about her job in Mystic Falls just to make sure I'm not pressuring her into this. She said she would find a job in Belgium she had the biggest smile on her face. She was happy that she finally had me and I was very happy as well.

We planned out when we were gonna leave which we had to leave by midnight. So I had to go back to the school to pack up my things and head on out to my moms place. She offered to drive me to the school and I accepted it because I wanted to know more about her on the way there.

She talked about how she loved helping people and also how she loved cooking a lot. Writing was also another one of a great hobbies she had she had asked me if I had any love interests in my life and I started to act a little nervous about it.

"I'm sorry if that was a personal question I understand. Look at me I've been single for nineteen years now"

She laughed

"I mean no it's not personal it's just all my love life's are unstable but my ex-girlfriend is helping me out in Belgium."

"Ex-girlfriend huh? What's her name?"


"She has a pretty name why'd you guys break up?"

"Because I wanted to protect her, also I was falling for another girl who I guess didn't love me back." I felt like crying but I held it back as hard as I could

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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