Typical Day For Harper

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So my story is just typically me going done the wrong path at a very young age. But I am going to fast now let's go to the beginning.
"HARPER! You are not buying my gas"
Wait by the way that's my sister Ana. She is the eldest out of my five siblings; She is the popular girl at school. "HARPER! Are you coming or not cause even if I am popular I am still your sister!" Ana squeaked. "I am coming you goof" I screamed.
Ana is the best sister anyone could ever have.
Not because she is popular cause no one notice me it's that she is fun and kind example she missed her yearly movie night just to spend time with me.
"Good bye honey. Have a good day" My mom said.
"You mean the same chessy day I have where nobody knows I exist. Yeah! I'ma gonna have a nice day"
AT School
" Hey what happens when you pour liquid nitrogen on your hand?" Jaden enquired.
I am not invisible to two people at school (not including my sister).
My two best friends.
Jaden and Charlotte we knew each other since we were 5. Jaden told me that he poured the liquid nitrogen on his hand and it is hurting him. I swear Jaden is the best...........................
Okay so the normal happens today
So Chris is approaching me and I know he is gonna ask me to do his homework well here he comes

"Hey....... I think it's H.... A.....R...L anyways you're pre...tty smart" Chris stuttered. This was extremely not surprising cause Chris is in the popular ranking so he is my sister's friend so probably she told him to say it.

So I am in second period and after this we get to go home because our teacher Mrs. Hargo is pregnant so.... No school and the teachers want to be there at the baby's birth.

At home
"Honey how was your day" mom asked
"Does horrible answer your question mom. Anyways I am tired" I replied

"Hey Harper did Chris ask you to do his homework again? If it wasn't for your kind ♥ heart Harps he would be in a hospital." Hayden exclaimed. So before I go further here is my family :

Hayden my big 15 year old bro
Olivia 10 year old sister
Anasia-Kay Ana for short is my 17 year old sister
Kayla my 5 year old sister

" Actually no he said I was smart but even thou I am I do not believe what he said was true" I explained.
After a few minutes of silence I ran upstairs to think about what he said even thou I knew he didn't mean it.
* Ding! Ding! Ding! *

" Ahhhh what now" as I reached over to my phone I saw Jaden and Chorlatte busting my phone with messages asking about Chris in our group . Talking about Chris an unknown Number just sent a text saying 'I thought smarties don't have phones and only sent letters'

My only guess was that it was Chris but I want to know why would Ana give my number to him...him out of all persons him.

I swear I am going to confront my sister when it is dinner time.

Hai.... So hope you like the book. ENJOY... So what do think is gonna happen next?? Well you can put in the comments.

Life Is ConfusingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora