New Person New Drama

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Harper's point of view.

I am so happy my mom moved from her lovey dovey stage, missing Ana stage I finally took the door. Oh have you guys met Brynn.
" Harper you make Juan the slug look fast!" Brynn yelled
OK so she was being extra..... comparing me to a slug from her nature movie was just rude.
" Brynn if I reach to the bus before will get left.!" I yelled back at her.
" Look Harper I have you all covered " Olivia whispered. I had a feeling something bad was gonna happen right then Brynn screamed and shouted " There is a slug and a frog in my school bag"
" I thought you liked nature movies and animals!?" Olivia shouted.
So while I can I came out of the house because since Brynn came it is like a prank war her and Olivia for some reason.
I am half way there to school I didn't take the bus I just used my skateboard on til I was about to get ran over by Brynn's bicycle.
" Hey! Imma beat you to school" Brynn screeched with a grin I have never seen before.
" Nah! I have to catch up with my friends so-"
I didn't get to finish. After a blink of an eye water splashed in my face and in my mouth.
" O! Li! Sps, sps" I spat. Luckily I bring back up clothes every day.
" Why are you so wet." Jaden enquired.
" Yeah" Charlotte squeaked.
Before I was able to say anything Jaden grabbed me and pull me and pushed me in a public bathroom. Then he through clothes that looked like Ana's. I had no choice but to put it on. When I came out " How did-" I enquired.
" Brynn gave em to me" he smirked. Wait what is going on my thoughts were Jaden looked cute. I can't say! thoughts are mixed up now. Anyways we ran to catch up with Sol.
Jaden then pushed me to a corner " Whats with everyone pushing me" I said.
" I have more important things to say. I kissed Sol." he said
"You kissed! -"
"Shh" he interrupted
I was so surprised like dude you have a girlfriend and you kissed another girl. That is so shady. Extremely shady.
" is everything okay?" Sol asked
We nod our heads then left.
Okay 2 minutes before the bell goes I need to get to first period.
OK so at first period and forgot Chris is my lab partner like hopefully he doesn't kill me and through chemicals on me. And yes I blame him for Ana's death. He was driving the car.! I mean like.....
If it was Ana driving she wouldn't of died.
" Look I know you blame me for killing Ana and I get that but can we just turn over a new leaf?" Chris asked. I was confused and all but... "Sure" I chirped.
So I guess he wasn't gonna spill chemicals on me.
At the thought of Chris I remembered Regina one of sister's friends. I wish not. And was puzzled why this wasn't one of Regina's plan to humiliate, Embarrass and Emit us.
I still have a fishy feeling about Sol. She just seems so fake to me.
As soon as I tuned back in to class and out of my thoughts I heard " Ms. Condo what is the combination that makes H2o?"
I was able to mumble " atoms of oxygen and two atoms of hydrogen"
" Surprising cause I didn't teach that but it is correct" Ms. Leslie said
Wait.! You might be thinking isn't Chris older than you well yes but he didn't pass chemistry so he is in my class.
~~~~×Lunch ~~~~
Going to my locker to put down my books Rosella came to me and said " Chris is mine so hands off you thief"  then she slammed my locker. I don't want Chris and don't know what to think.
On my way to the cafeteria Regina came to me and squeaked " One Condo was in my way and now I am not letting you take Chris"
" I thought you were friends with Ana" I whispered.
She looked me up and down then said " Yeah. But she is gone right so Chris is mine like how he talks to you a lot I will leave you alone if you encourage him to date me"

I swear I didn't know everyone wanted Chris I am starting to think what made him special. When I finally got my lunch and sat down in peace Charlotte, Jaden and Sol looked at me in shock and said in unison " What was that"
" Let's forget that happened and eat lunch" I smiled
After a couple minutes a tall, brown, blue eyed boy stood beside where I was sitting " Um.. Can I sit here" he asked. The table we sat at was huge so I said yes and when I said yes Regina ran over and smiled " You don't want to sit with them they are horrible come with me and we will make a connection". He looked at me then Regina then sat down and said " I think I will be better here". Regina snarled at me then went over to her table. " Hi my name is Jacques." I was so happy. Then I felt a blush come over my face. Then I realized I had a crush, something I have never had before.
We all told him our names then Jaden looked at Sol to see her staring back at him. This something I would  never say but love is in the air and it is not even February it is just October. I swear I didn't know such a feeling could happen to me. I don't know why but when I was there I felt his Hans on mine. I looked at him, he looked straight at me and smiled I swear I was not only confused but concerned.
Like why would he like me and why would I have a crush on him.

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