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  The following Wednesday. "Yeah today is soccer tryouts!" I exclaimed. I think they might say nerds don't play games like football. As I jumped out of my bed I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine thinking about Chris and Monday. But before I was able to reach my bed room door I heard
*Ding! Ding! Ding! *
When I took up my phone and took a look at my screen I saw that I have 356 messages and it was about Jaden and Chorlatte's weekend and Chris.

Before I got downstairs I saw Olivia in her bed with a thermometer sticking out of her mouth.
    " I suppose you are sick can I get you anything?!" I asked
She replied "No. I am not I am just pretending to have gastroparesis." I wasn't surprised because she did say she yesterday she was going to get an acting career with nickelodeon and Disney.
      "I made fake vomit with orange juice, milk, small pieces of crackers, oatmeal and more oatmeal and it actually fooled mom" She amused.

"OLIVIA! Are you still sick?! Well whether or not it's the last day at school so you're going" Mom reinforced
  "Mom! I can't go!!!" she answered.
"Why is this so....." Mom enquired
      "Because I... Kinda.. Maybe.. Have torn my uniforms... At least all of them" Olivia sighed
      "Olivia!!! " mom screeched. "At least we can go to GonMac Theatre for my audition for the new movie."
I swear my little sister is hilarious, I really think she deserve this acting gig. Anyways I should probably go downstairs before Ana leaves and I have to take the school bus.
   Okay so I just got the heads up that Ana is taking Rosella." I can't believe that you are dating CHRIS" Rosella squeaked. Then it just hit me this makes perfect sense but why Chris he is a snotty, no good, bully. He literally put bubble gum in my hair in the 4th grade.
             " ANA! CHRIS! TOGETHER! NIGHTMARE! ARGH!" I screamed." Can my day get any worse??!!"

"What is wrong. Why is this a nightmare? Don't you like him? He told me you guys are like best friends?!" she said. "No!!! He was the one who I told you put the bubble gum in my hair" I screamed.

I swear he is the biggest liar roaming on this earth.

"So any tea to spill Harpie" Charlotte and Jaden chorused. "Actually yes!" I answered.
"Spill! Spill! Spill!" they chorused.
"OK! So Chris! I... I... Is dating my sister!"
" What........ Chris out of all people. Didn't he put super glue in Charlotte's hair and put gum in your hair and......" Jaden rambled. "Okay we get it JADEN!!!" Charlotte and I chorused again. But he did make a point Chris also bullied my sister when she was in 4th and 5th and 6th grade. " Anyways I have to get to first period" I said

     After Tryouts

" Hey.. UM.. Harpie!" Chris exclaimed
" What do you want blondey" I enquired. "Didn't you know I am caring you home" He chirped.  Like come on life why do you hate me.

That was the worst 5 minutes of my life and because of that I don't think I want to talk to Anasia -(Ana). "How was your ride home Harp?" Ana asked
"How do you think I feel Anasia" I answered. " Don't you sass..." Before she finished I ran upstair and slammed my door.
I felt so bad I sassed her but I think she deserves it. She knew I didn't approve of but if she is happy I'm okay but letting him drive me home.... I am going to be angry after that.

" Look Harps I am so sorry I wanted you two to bond" she cried. I didn't want to hear from her so I totally ignored her.
9:30 pm
I went downstairs and saw Ana leaving  she said that she was going to her friends birthday party and said not to  expect her before midnight.

Thank you readers. What do you think is gonna happen next?

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