Not Your Normal Person

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April's point of view

Back to school again like Whhy I seriously didn't know a month passed so quickly like why. Anyways I am her at Harper's house like waiting for someone to open the door but instead
I heard someone say " Hey I'm up here" when I looked up I saw Harper standing in top of her roof waving her hands in the air.
I swear that child is mad. " Hey take the trampoline out of the back and carry it here". So I did as she said worrying for her life because she looked so happy.
Okay she is done and begging to go again but knowing my mother she didn't do it.
"Why didn't you take the door like a normal person would" 
" First I am not a normal person! Mom was going to act all mushy-mushy saying things about Ana's death and being sad and to cheer up all the things a sad mother would say" she responded. Like I know aunty Aura  is  sad not as in the Disney Princess but aunt A loves to sleep. Anyways
At school
Guess who came up to me..... Chris he literally asked if I and Harper were single but I told him we are not interested like who kills someone's friend & sister and then asks to date the sister and friend of the decease.
I hate Chris.
" Hey you have a note on you" Jaden said. He took the note off my back and read it out loud it said ' meet me at the bridge p.s ¥€' when I saw that I know it was from Chris that.........
~~ Lunch~~
" Hey.. Um can I sit with you" I looked up to see a like new girl standing over us I couldn't say no so she sat with us.
"Hi my name is Solange um I am new" she said. I could tell that she was new but she looked familiar like she was " Regina's cousin" when I tuned back in I heard that I literally did not want to sit next to her but she looked so innocent and acted so different from Regina.
Then after she said that the mini demon came and the mini demon  is Regina. I swear if I was able to e would shove poison down her throat and to know she was my former best friend.
" Yah! Someone called me?!" Regina sassed. "Oh Solange you hanging out with a bunch of losers. Didn't I warn you about them". " They are not losers Regina you are only jealous because they are better than you" Solange   scuffed.
That was the first time somebody other than our friend stuck up for us.
Now I really think she is kind but I still don't trust her.
I then saw Harper running over here stuffing a rope and an anchor in her bag. I wondered why but didn't ask because I know she was going to do something dumb with it somehow because it is Harper.
" UM can you carry my books in your bag cause it can't fit in my bag. Well here thanks" Harper said.
Harper is very unpredictable first she is sad then she is happy then she is angry. Like make up your mind which one are you going to be.
~~ After school ~~
" Um hey follow me" Chris whispered I was wondering why whisper but I didn't care. Anyways when I followed Chris he carried me to this spot with lots of gold decorations and asked if I liked it. Duh! I said yes it was pretty but I am just not his girl or type.
" L-" I was interrupted " It is not for you it's for Harper's birthday" .
OK I admit I was hurt but because what is going to be a surprise to Harper I don't want to spoil it for you either.
~~ Harper's home~~
As soon as we reached her home she jumped out of the car and threw the rope with the anchor on it to her window. But because I knew Harper was a dare bro btw she calls herself that.
Then after, a few minutes Harper was on the trampoline jumping and jumping and then she held on to the rope climbing against her side wall leaving her muddy shoe print on it. After let's say 4 minutes she was on her roof she shouted " Hey leave my books inside and one of your pencils"
After I looked to her door then up she was gone.
When I mean her room I mean Anasia's room.
When I was heading to the car and heard  * PLOP*
And just then I knew she fell and decided to continue to the car and laugh.

Hai guys I want to thank you for reading my book I 😍 love y'all and I hope you have a good day or night um I would like if you guys commented and give me ideas. If you are going to throw shade on my book then don't read it and before I forget April Prendergast is my friend and fellow Wattpad user trippinindamoonlight. Don't forget to read her book.

§ Saliwe3 §
I am trying new designs yay!

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